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revoked and the employee already availing such a leave may
be recalled to duty on such revocation in which case he will be
entitled to Travelling Allowance at ordinary rates.
18. An employee whose continuous leave on medical grounds
exceeds one month may be asked to produce a medical
certificate from a Civil Surgeon or to have the medical
certificate of his medical attendant countersigned by the Civil
surgeon. In case the employee fails to furnish the certificate
from the Civil Surgeon or fails to get his medical attendant's
certificate countersigned by the Civil Surgeon, the employee
may be refuse leave on medical grounds and his absence in
such a case may be treated as unauthorised.
19. Unless otherwise provided in any law applicable to co-
operative societies for the time being in force all leave to the
credit of an employee shall lapse on the date on which he
ceases to be in the service of a Co-Operative Society.
20. An employee who was on leave on medical grounds shall
before resumption of duty be required to produce certificate of
fitness from his medical attendant.
21. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Discretion to
grant/refuse/revoke leave of any description or to recall an
employee from leave is reserved with the competent
authorities specified in the preceding rule.
22. In grant or refusing leave or recalling an employee from leave,
the following circumstances and other similar circumstances
will be taken into consideration by the Competent Authority.
i) Exigencies of Service
ii) Whether the reasons for leave are genuine and
iii) Employees regularity / irregularity in attendance
iv) Leave to the credit of the employees
v) Applicable rules / conditions for grant of leave.
In case of leave on medical grounds, main consideration will be
the physical condition of the employee as ascertained by medical
and other evidence, leave due and admissible.
23. Leave may not be granted to an employee under suspension
or against whom disciplinary proceeding are pending.