P. 106

5.  The  Managing  Committee  may  sanction  the  Gratuity  to  the
                             employee  of  Society,  provided  he  has  put  in  ten  years  of
                             continuous       service      immediately       preceding       retirement,
                             invalidation, or retrenchment or five year's continuous service in
                             case of death, as the case may be.

                          6.  Gratuity shall be paid from the Administrative & Contingent Fund
                             of the society.

                             In case of death gratuity shall be payable to the nominee of the
                             employee and in the absence of nomination, to his legal heir.
                      The amount of Gratuity shall be paid only on

                         a)  Production of Charge Handed Over Certificate in proof of having
                            handed  over  complete  charge  of  his  seat  to  any  staff  of  the
                         b) Production of  No  Dues  Certificates  taken from  the  places where
                            he/she served and submitted to the Society
                         c)  Production  of  No  Dues  Certificate  from  the  TTD  Revenue
                            Department  in  proof  of  having  not  occupied  TTD  Quarters  /
                            Vacated TTD Quarters as the case may be.
                         d) Subject  to  obtaining  an  undertaking  in  Rs.100/-  non-judicial
                            stamp paper with not less than two witnesses, to remit back the
                            excess amounts if any in future.

                   (Q)  T.A. & D.A. Rules:

                          1.  The members of the Managing Committee, General Manager and
                             the other staff of the Society shall be allowed following Travelling
                             Allowance  and  Daily  allowance  subject  to  the  conditions
                             stipulated below:

                                          Category /
                              SNo                                          T.A.                  D.A.
                                            Managing            Actual A.C Bus Fare or
                                1          Committee            Actual First Class A.C.       Rs.500.00
                                            Members                    Train Fare.
                                                                Actual A.C Bus Fare or
                                2      General Manager          Actual First Class A.C.       Rs.500.00
                                                                       Train Fare.
                                                                Actual A.C Bus fare or
                                       Senior Assistant-
                                3                                Third Class A.C. Train       Rs.400.00
                                                               Super / Deluxe Express
                                                                  Bus fare or Second
                                4          Other Staff                                        Rs.300.00
                                                                  Class Sleeper Train

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