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basis of efficiency of the employee and the business turn over and
profitability of the Society in the preceding years.
3. The employees of the Society shall be sanctioned the dearness
allowance appropriate to their basic pay at the rates fixed by the
TTD or by the Government from time to time by the Managing
Committee on the basis of business turnover and profitability of the
Society in the Preceding year.
4. The Managing Committee of the Society with the approval of the
General Body may determine the staffing pattern and fix the pay
scales under these regulations depending upon the business turn
over and the profitability of the Society, with prior permission of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
5. In case, if the business turnover and the profitability of the Society
fall down and fails below its classification during the two
consecutive financial years [Cooperative years] the staff structure
entitlement of the Society shall accordingly be lowered to the
corresponding level of category.
6. The pay scales shall be applicable to all the employees of the
Society with prior approval of the Registrar of Cooperative
7. The salaries of the Employees of the Society shall be fixed by the
Board of Directors every year. Keeping in view the provisions as
specified under Section 116 (c) read with Rule 3b(B) of the APCS
Act 1964, i.e., all the establishment charges including contingent
charges shall not exceed 2% of the working capital or 30% of the
Gross Profit whichever is less.
8. Salary shall cease to accrue as soon as the employee ceases to be
in the service of the co-operative society. In case of an employee
who is dismissed or removed from service of these while in the
service of the co-operative society. The Salary shall cease from the
date of his dismissal, removal or death, as the case may be.
Note- In case of death, salary for the day if death shall be payable
(if due), irrespective of the time of death.
9. The appointing authority or the person authorized for the purpose
when ordering reversion of any employee as a penalty from higher
to a lower post or grads shall not allow him to draw pay exceeding
either the maximum of the pay scale of the lower post or grade or
the amount of pay drawn by him on his post before reversion.
10. An employee shall commence to draw the salary of the post to
which he is appointed from the date on which he assumes the
duties of the post. If the charge is taken over in the forenoon of
that date and from the following working day, if the charge is
taken over in the afternoon of that date.