P. 108

c)  Vehicle Loan: For purchase of Two Wheeler limited to Rs.2.00 lakh only.
                d)  Computer  Loan:  For  purchase  of  Computer  /  Laptop  limited  to  Rs.0.5

                            The terms & conditions, rate of interest, etc., shall be decided by
                      the Managing  Committee  from time  to  time.   All  deductions  from an
                      employee  shall  not  be  in  excess  of  over  2/3   of  an  employee’s
                      monthly salary (that is, gross salary before any deductions are made)
                      for  any  salary  period  i.e.  after  effecting  all  recoveries  in  monthly
                      salary,  an  employee  shall  take  1/3   of  gross  salary  as  Take  home

                (S)  Deductions of dues from employees:

                      The Society shall have the authority to make the following deductions
                      from amounts payable to an employee:
                   a)  Fines.
                   b) For damages to or loss of goods entrusted to the employee where such
                       loss  or  damage  is  due  to  his/  her  willful  negligence.  Such  deduction
                       shall not exceed the amount of damages or loss and shall not be made
                       till the employee is given reasonable opportunity of explanation.
                   c)  Shortage or loss of money which the employee is required to account
                       for or any other money payable to Society by the employee.
                   d) Recovery of advances or overpayment of bills and other charges.
                   e)  Provident Fund contribution.
                   f)  Amount due in lieu of notices.
                   g) Other dues under the A.P C.S Act, 1964 and Rules. Deductions shall be
                       entered in the roll and separate receipts shall be issued.
                   h) Any other deductions for which he may have authorized the Society in
                       writing or which the Society may legally entitled to make.

                (T)  Welfare measures to the Employees:

                          1.  Funeral  Expenses:  An  amount  of  Rs.25,000/-  (Rupees  Twenty
                             Five  Thousand  Only)  shall  be  given  as  funeral  expenses  to  the
                             legal heir of the deceased employee, on death while in service,
                             on  obtaining  a  letter  from  the  spouse  /  children  about  the
                             demise  of  the  employee  followed  by  the  death  certificate  at  a
                             later date not more than three months.

                          2.  Medical facility:  The society shall implement Medical Insurance
                             facility  to  the  staff  of  the  society  i.e.  for  availing  cashless
                             treatment  by  the  staff  and  their  dependents  in  reputed
                             empanelled  hospitals  of  subject  insurance  company.    The
                             employee-employer contribution (periodical insurance premium)
                             shall be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time

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