P. 112

e)  Work  in  the  Society  Office  or  the  places  /  sub-sections  where  the
                      activities  of  the  Society  are  carried  out,  without  refusal  and  shall
                      undertake and perform his duties entrusted by the superiors.
                   f)  Properly  handover  complete  charge  of  records  &  registers  held  by
                      him/her at the time of transfer / retirement, etc.

                   g)  Abide by the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations and the bye-laws
                      and shall observe, comply with and obey all the orders and directions
                      issued from time to time by the competent authority there under.

                   h)  Every  employee  shall  obey  all  circular  instructions  and  lawful  orders
                      directions  of  the  Superiors,  Financing  Bank  and  Co-operative
                      Department given from time to time.

                   i)  Every  employee  must  show  proper  respect,  courtesy  and  attention
                      towards members/customers and officers.

                   j)  Every employee shall submit to the society before 15  January of each
                      year  a  Property  Statement  in  the  prescribed  format  containing  all
                      details  of  immovable/movable  property  acquired  or  disposed  during
                      the previous calendar year.

                   k)  No employee shall behave in a manner which is unbecoming of an employee
                      and is prejudicial to the interest of the Society.

                   l)  No  employee  shall  remove  any  of  the  books  of  accounts,  record,
                      furniture and any other property of the Society from the premises of
                      the Society without prior permission of the Committee.

               6) The commission of any of the following acts shall constitute misconduct
                   on the part of an employee.

                       1) Abetment  or  instigation  of  any  of  the  employees  for  acts  of
                          misconduct, omission or violation of duties or commitment or any
                          kind  or  fraud  in  connection  with  the  business,  property  of  other
                          pecuniary affairs or interest of the Society or any of the members.

                       2) Suppression of facts, furnishing false information.
                       3) Misappropriation and embezzlement of Society’s funds.

                       4) Taking bribe or illegal gratification from any customer or any other
                       5) Tampering of records or causing loss of record.

                       6) Issue of false certificate.
                       7) Conviction  in  any  court  of  law  for  an  offence  involving  moral

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