P. 114

20)  No  employee  or  any  other  member  of  his  family  shall  engage
                          directly or indirectly in any trade or business or shall speculate in
                          any investment, stock, shares, securities, bullion or commodities of
                          any description.

                    21)  No employee shall undertake any employment or part-time job or
                          any work other than that connected with the official duties.
                    22)  No employee shall, except accordance  with any general or special
                          order of the society, communicate directly or indirectly any official
                          document or any of its contents or any official information, to any
                          employee or member not authorized to receive the same, or to any
                          non-official person or the Press.

                    23)  No  employee  shall,  except  with  the  prior  permission  from
                          competent  authority  or  in  the  course  of  discharge  of  his  official
                          duties, participate in a Radio broadcast or Drama or T.V shows or
                          Tele-serial or Web series or Feature Film or contribute any article or
                          write any letter in his own name or anonymously, pseudonymously
                          or in the name of any other person to a newspaper or periodical.No
                          employee  shall,  by  any  public  utterance,  written  or  otherwise,
                          criticize any policy or action or resolution or decision of the society
                          nor  shall  he  participate  in  any  such  criticism.  No  employee  shall
                          without prior permission from the society give witness / evidence in
                          connection  with  any  inquiry  conducted  by  any  Committee,
                          Commission  or  other  authority.    However,  this  condition  will  not
                          apply  for  giving  evidence  before  any  Court  of  Law  or  during
                          departmental enquiry.

                    24)  No employee or any member of his/her family shall be a member
                          of,  or  be  otherwise  associated  with,  any  political  party  or  any
                          political organization nor shall he participate in, subscribe in aid of,
                          or assist in any other  manner, any political movement or activity.
                          No employee of the Society shall take part in any political election
                          or  an  election  pertaining  to  an  elective  office  of  a  Co-operative
                          Society  except  the  Society  of  which  he  is  a  member  or  a  legally
                          elected  delegate.  Canvassing  or  otherwise  interfering  or  using
                          influence  in  any  election  to  the  Central  or  State  Legislature,
                          Panchayat  any  other  local  body  or  a  society  exclusively  by  the
                          employee of which he is a member. No employee or any member of
                          his/her  family  shall  display  any  election  symbol  /  political  party
                          symbol  on  him/her,  vehicle,  residence  or  any  of  his/her  property.
                          An  employee  qualified  to  vote  at  such  election  may  cast  his  vote
                          but, where he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in
                          which he proposes to vote or has voted.

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