P. 99

Deputation  Allowances,  if  any,  drawn  during  the  preceding
                          3.    The  payment  made  towards  the  encashed  leave  will  not  be
                                entitled  for  the  Society's  share  to  the  Employees  Provident
                          4.    The  leave surrendered and encashed  shall be entered in the
                                Leave  Register  &  Service  Register.  The  amount  of  leave
                                surrendered  and  encashed  shall  be  debited  to  the  leave
                                account of the employee and the balance shall be noted under
                                proper attestation by the authorised officer of the Society.
                          5.    Earned  Leave  to  the  credit  of  an  employee  to  the  extent  of
                                240  days  can  be  encashed  in  full  without  availing  of  any
                                Earned  Leave  at  the  time  of  retirement/resignation/
                          6.  There  shall  ordinarily  be  a  minimum  interval  of  12  months
                                between any two surrenders of Earned Leave for encashment.
                                The  period  of  12  months  (effective  service)  will  be  counted
                                from the date of payment towards leave encashed.

                   (K)  Regulations and conditions of Leaves.

                             1.  General  Manager  will  be  competent  to  sanction  all  types  of
                                 leave to the employees of the Society.
                             2.  General  Manager  will  not  be  competent  to  sanction  other
                                 leaves  except  Casual  Leave  to  those  employees  who  are  on
                                 deputation from other departments or institutions. The parent
                                 department will be competent to sanction such leave to those
                                 employees  but  on  the  recommendation  from  the  General
                             3.  The President will be competent to sanction all types of leave
                                 to  the  General  Manager  of  the  Society  if  engaged  by  the
                                 society.    The  President  will  be  competent  to  sanction  only
                                 Casual Leave to the General Manager working on deputation /
                                 Foreign  Service  and  shall  forward  other  kinds  of  leave  to
                                 parent department for sanction by the latter.
                             4.  The  competent  authority  may  refuse  leave  or  recall  an
                                 employee  at      any  time  during  his  leave  period  without
                                 assigning any reasons.
                             5.  An employee shall before proceeding on leave intimate to the
                                 competent  authority  his  leave  address  and  shall  inform  the
                                 authority  of  any change  in  his address  previously furnished.
                                 He/she shall be available in mobile (cell phone) during leave
                                 period, for any information / clarification, etc., if required by
                                 the society authorities.

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