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(iii) The persons so discharged shall have the right of appeal to such
authority and within such time as may be prescribed either on
the ground that there was no reasonable cause for the
dispensing of his services or on the ground that he had not been
guilty of misconduct as held by the employer or the appointing
authority. The period in this case shall be 30 days from the date
of receipt of the order of the employer.
S. Retirement
Every regular employee appointed in service shall retire on attaining the age
of 58 years, provided that the employee concerned is physically fit to carry
on the work efficiently
Nothing contained in above clause supra shall affect the right of the Board of
Directors / Managing Committee to require an employee to retire on his
being incapacitated for further continuance in service due to illness or
Provided that before acting under this clause, the Board shall obtain opinion
from the Medical Officer of the rank of Chief Medical Officer to this effect and
give a reasonable opportunity to the employee to explain his case.
An employee can get retirement on medical grounds after the completion of
atleast 15 years of service. For this purpose, the medical certificate should
be issued by a Medical Officer not below the rank of C.M.O./ S.M.O. of a Civil