P. 92

2.  Similarly,  the  General  Manager  shall  be  competent  to  transfer  any
                      employee  between  the  Society  Office  and  other  areas  of  operation  /
                      branches  /  activity  carrying  places  /  deputation  places  /  Foreign
                      Service as the case may be.
                   3.  However, the General Manager shall follow the advice / suggestions, if
                      any  given  by  the  President  /  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Society  with
                      regard to Postings & Transfers of employees of the Society.

               M. Maintenance of Service Registers and Personal File

                  a)  A record of service (Service Register) of every regular employee right
                      from the date of their appointment shall be maintained by the Society
                      in the form specified by the Registrar, to indicate his/her date of birth,
                      qualifications, experience and date  of appointment, etc.   The  date  of
                      birth of the employee shall be that as entered in the school certificate.
                      No other certification or horoscope etc., will be acceptable.
                  b) Record of service includes account of all types of leaves (except casual
                      leave), annual increment, promotion or officiating, promotion, awards
                      and punishments, if any.  All changes affecting the rank, emoluments,
                      transfers  and  other  allied  matters  shall  also  be  recorded  in  the
                      concerned Service Register.
                  c)  All  necessary  entries  shall  be  recorded  in  the  Register  from  time  to
                      time and such entries of the employees shall be authenticated by the
                      General Manager / President, as the case may be and be kept in the
                      safe  custody  of  the  General  Manager  of  the  society.    Entries  in  the
                      Service Register pertaining to the General Manager shall be signed by
                      the President.
                  d) It is the  responsibility of the  General Manager to see that all entries
                      are recorded in the Service Register.
                  e)  The employee shall have a right to see his/ her Service Book at any
                      time during working hours of the Society.
                  f)  Similarly,  apart  from  Service  Registers,  the  Society  shall  maintain
                      Annual  Character  Rolls,  Confidential  Reports  and  Personal  Files  for
                      each employee of the Society in the prescribed proforma as approved
                      by  the  Registrar.  They  shall  be  kept  in  the  custody  of  the  General

               N. Resignation of the employee

                   1.  If,  any  employee  intends  to  resign  from  his  post,  he  shall  give  one
                      month notice in advance to the General Manager of the Society.
                   2.  If an employee leaves Service without giving the due notice he shall be
                      liable to pay an amount equal to the salary including allowances for the
                      period of notice  or  for  the  period  by  which  the  notice falls  short and
                      any other dues recoverable form him on account of agreement/ bond

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