P. 88

2.  The  candidates  eligible  for  appointment  will  be  the  spouse  of  the
                          employee  or  any  of  the  dependent  Children  of  the  deceased

                      3.  The  eligible  person  shall  be  appointed  to  the  post  of  Junior
                          Assistant-cum-Computer           Operator      or    Assistant     or    Office
                          Subordinate  as  per  qualification  subject  to  availability  of  vacancy
                          and sufficient workload.

                      4.  Applications for appointment from such person shall be entertained
                          within a period of one year from the date of death of the deceased

                      5.  The  temporary  appointment  of  a  spouse  or  a  Child  can  be
                          considered  for  regular  appointment,  provided  the  family  members
                          of  the  deceased  employee  shall  satisfy  the  other  condition  of
                          recruitment, prescribed by the Government.

                     6.  Compensation equivalent to gross wages for the balance period of
                          service.  Subject  to  a  maximum  of  ten  months  shall  be  allowed
                          when there is no request for appointment of the dependent of the
                          employee deceased or retired on Medical invalidation.

                     7.  A  widow  appointed  on  compassionate  grounds  will  be  allowed  to
                          continue in service even after re-marriage.

                     8.  If there is no vacancy, appointment shall be made subject to future

                     9.  An undertaking in writing should be given that he / she (the person
                          appointed)  will  maintain  properly  the  other  family  members  who
                          were dependent on the deceased employee and in case it is proved
                          subsequently  at  any  time  that  the  family  members  are  being
                          neglected  or  not  being  maintained  properly  by  him/her,  the
                          appointment may be terminated forthwith.

                                 The  appointment  on  compassionate  grounds  can  be
                          terminated  on  the  ground  of  non-compliance  of  any  conditions  in
                          the  offer  of  appointment  after  providing  on  opportunity  to  the
                          compassionate  appointee  by  way  of  issue  of  Show  Cause  notice
                          asking  him/her  to  explain  why  his/her  services  should  not  be
                          terminated  for  non-compliances  of  the  condition  in  the  offer  of
                          appointment  and  it  is  not  necessary  to  follow  the  procedure
                          prescribed.     The     power      of    termination       of    service     for

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