P. 85

b) By Promotion:

                          Should possess S.S.C and must have put in minimum five years of
                          service in the cadre of Office Subordinate.

               7) Office subordinate – Direct Recruitment

                      Should possess S.S.C with aggregate 70% marks or above.

               C. Age Limit: The candidate shall be within the age limit of 34 years by the
                      time  he  assumes  Office.    However  there  is  relaxation  of  age  limit  in
                      case of SC / ST / BC candidates by 5 years.

               D. Terms and conditions of appointments:

                   The  following  general  conditions  shall  apply  to  all  appointments  to  the

                   1.  Only Indian citizens shall be eligible for appointment to the service.
                   2.  No person shall be appointed to the service by direct recruitment if he
                      is less than 18 years of age.
                   3.  No person shall be appointed unless he has been certified by an Officer
                      not  below  the  rank  of  Assistant  Surgeon  to  be  of  sound  constitution
                      and medically fit to discharge his duties.
                   4.  No  person  shall  be  appointed  to  the  service  of  the  Society  if  he  has
                      previously  been  dismissed  from  the  service  by  any  of  his  previous
                      employers  or  has  been  convicted  by  a  Court  of  Law,  as  a  result  of
                      some act of dishonesty or moral turpitude.
                   5.  No  person  who  is  a  near  relation  of  member  of  the  Board  of  the
                      Society shall be appointed to any post in the service of the Society. If
                      any doubt arises as to whether a person is or is not a near relation of
                      such member, the Board shall refer it to the Registrar of Cooperative
                      Societies whose decision shall be final.
                   6.  If anybody is found indulging is corrupt practices or in cases involving
                      moral  turpitude,  the  President  shall  have  the  right  to  dispense  with
                      his/her services.
                   7.  The  person  to  be  employed  either  on  regular  basis  or  through  other
                      sources should be a person professing Hindu religion.
                   8.  No person shall be eligible for the posts in the Society unless he/she
                      possesses requisite qualifications.
                   9.  No appointment by Direct Recruitment to the posts of the Society shall
                      be  made  except  by  inviting  application  by  advertisement  in  two
                      reputed daily newspapers. This restriction shall not however, apply in
                      case  of  filling  any  of  the  post  by  promotion  of  an  employee  of  the
                      Society holding the requisite qualifications. The above qualifications or

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