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non-compliance  of  the  conditions  in  the  offer  of  compassionate
                          appointment  shall  be  exercised  by  the  General  Manager  of  the

                                 The  benefit  of  providing  appointment  will  be  limited  to  the
                          Junior  Assistant  lever  and  below.  Any  instructions  or  clarification
                          that may  be  issued  by  the  Government from  time  to time  on the
                          subject shall be made ipsofacto applicable in addition to the above
                          regulations or rules for appointments on compassionate grounds.

               H: Probation and regularization

                   1.  Every person appointed to a post in the service by direct recruitment
                      shall  be  on  probation  for  a  total  period  of  2  years  on  duty  within  a
                      continuous period of 3 years and every person appointed by promotion
                      or by recruitment by transfer to any category in the service shall be on
                      probation  for  a  total  period  of  1  year  on  duty  within  a  continuous
                      period  of  2  years  from  the  date  on  which  he/she  commences
                   2.  If the work and conduct of the person, appointed to the service, during
                      the  period  of  his/her  probation,  is  in  the  opinion  of  the  appointing
                      authority, not satisfactory, it may dispense with his/her services after
                      giving  notice  (or)  the  appointing  authority  may  extend  the  period  of
                      probation  not  exceeding  one  year  in  any  case  in  writing,  enabling
                      him/her to improve his/her efficiency during the extended period.  In
                      case of an employee promoted from a lower post, he may be reverted
                      to  the  lower  post  by  the  appointing  authority  during  the  probation
                   3.  On  satisfactory  completion  of  probation  period,  the  services  of  the
                      employee shall be regularized in the post.  During the probation period
                      an employee shall be eligible for the basic pay only and will become
                      eligible  for  increments  only  after  satisfactory  completion  of  his
                   4.  No employee will deem to have been confirmed in the Society’s service
                      unless specific orders in this regard are issued.

                   I.  Seniority

                      1.  The seniority shall be determined separately in each category
                      2. Seniority of employees shall be determined from the date of joining
                          in a category of post as a regular employee subject to the following
                      3.  Seniority  will  be  determined  from  the  date  of  joining  on  the
                          principle of continuous length of service.

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