P. 94

No  employee  shall  be  entitled  to  notice  or  salary  and  allowance  in  lieu
               thereof if he is removed from service.
                     a) On account of misconduct, dishonesty or moral turpitude, established
                         on record.
                     b)  During probation period

               R. Pre-Mature Retirement

                   1.  The  appointing  authority  shall  if  it  is  of  the  opinion  that  it  is  in  the
                      public  interest or in the interest of the  institution to  do so, have the
                      right,  by  giving  an  employee  prior  notice  in  writing,  retire  that
                      employee  on  the date  on which he  completes  25  years of  service  or
                      attains 50 years of age or on any date thereafter to be specified in the

                   2.  The period of such notice shall not be less than three months.
                             Provided that where atleast three months’ notice is not given or
                      notice for a period less than three months is given, the employee shall
                      be  entitled  to  claim  a  sum  equivalent  to  the  amount  of  his  pay  and
                      allowances,  at  the  same  rates  which  he  was  drawing  immediately
                      before the date of retirement, for a period of three months or as the
                      case may be, for the period by which such notice falls short of three
                   3.  Any employee, may, after giving atleast three months’ previous notice
                      in writing to the appointment authority retire from service on the date
                      on which he completes 25 years of service or attains 50 years of age
                      or on date thereafter to be specified in the notice.
                      “Provided that no employee under suspension shall retire from service
                      except with the specific approval of the appointing authority.”

                          (i)  It  shall  be  competent  for  the  appointing  authority  to  terminate
                             the service of the employee before the expiry of Six months of
                             his service, if his work or conduct has not been satisfactory. No
                             appeal shall lie against an order terminating the probation of an
                             employee during this period.

                          (ii) It shall be competent for the appointment authority to terminate
                             the services of the employees during the subsequent Six months
                             of  his  probation  and  also  during  his  regular  service,  provided
                             that  the  authority  shall  not  dispense  with  the  services  of  a
                             person at-least One month's notice shall not be necessary when
                             the services of such a person are dispensed with on a charge of
                             misconduct  and  supported  by  satisfactory  evidence  recorded  in
                             an enquiry held for the purpose.

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