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executed by him during the course of service or at the commencement
of service.
3. Resignation shall take effect from the date of acceptance by the
competent authority.
4. The General Manager shall be competent to accept the resignation in
all cases and reduce the notice period in genuine cases.
5. If any records, books or property of the society are found to have been
detained by the employee, he shall continue to be liable for the same
in spite of the acceptance of his resignation.
O. Termination of Service
1. The appointing authority may terminate the services of a temporary or
adhoc employee by giving one month’s notice without assigning any
reason, if he is in the service continuously for a period of more than
three months. Provided that an employee shall be entitled to 7 days’
notice if he is in the service continuously for a period of three months
or less.
2. The competent authority may terminate the services of a permanent
employee by giving three months’ notice if his/ her integrity is
doubtful or he/she is not efficient in discharge duties or is medically
incapacitated. The services also can be terminated for want of post.
P. Reversion:
1. An employee holding on promotion a higher post shall unless
confirmed on that post, be liable to reversion from that post without
notice in case
(i) His/her work and performance are not considered
satisfactory, or
(ii) The vacancy in the higher post on which he/she was
officiating has ceased to exist for any reason.
2. Orders for reversion shall be passed by the appointing authority
Q. Retrenchment
1. A Co-operative society may, subject to the approval of the Registrar,
retrench its employee(s) if the business of the society has either
shrunk or the concerned post or posts are to be reduced to effect
economy, Provided that compensation where required under the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, is paid to the employees.
2. In making retrenchment the policy shall be to retrench the junior most
employee of the grade.