P. 96
Regulations and Rules of Leaves
The following kinds of leave may be sanctioned to the regular
employees of the Society.
(A) Casual Leave
(B) Earned Leave
(C) Medical Leave
(D) Maternity Leave
(E) Extraordinary Leave
(F) Paternity Leave
(G) Encashment Earned Leave
(H) Commuted Leave.
(I) Special Casual Leave to Women employees
No employee shall claim leave as a matter or right. The discretion to
sanction or to refuse leave shall vest with the sanctioning authority
depending upon merits and no appeal shall be against an order refusing
(A) Casual Leave :-
An employee shall be eligible for casual leave to the extent of not
more than 15 days in a calendar year. Not more than seven days'
casual leave will be granted at a time to an employee. Casual leave
shall not be combined with any other leave. Unavailed casual leave
shall lapse at the end of the calendar year.
(B) Earned Leave :
1. Every regular employee shall be eligible for earned leave at the
rate of one eleventh (or 11 ) part of the actual duty rendered by
him. (Calculate as one day for every eleven days of duty)
2. The maximum period of earned leave can be accumulated is 240
(Two Hundred and Forty) days at any point of time.
3. No employee shall be permitted to avail earned leave for more
than 30 (Thirty) days at a time. In special circumstances the
period may be extended upto 60 (Sixty) days.
4. No earned leave can be availed less than 5 (Five) days at a time.
5. It shall be at the discretion of the appointing authority to pay
salary for equal number of days of earned leave surrendered by
an employee provided that no salary shall be given where the
leave left to the credit of an employee is less than 30 days on