P. 83
A) Staffing Pattern: The staff structure shall be based on the business
levels as prescribed under APCS Act, Rules, Byelaws and guidelines
and orders issued by the Registrar / Government.
The cost of establishment and contingent charges shall be fixed by the
Managing Committee within the limit of the budget approved by the General
Body as per norms and guidelines prescribed under Act, Rules, Byelaws,
Circulars and orders of the Registrar issued from time to time in the matter.
SNo Name of the Post / Cadre Strength No
1. General Manager One te:
2 Senior Assistant-cum-Manager Two -
3 Junior Assistant-cum-Computer Operator Five Th
4 Assistant Two e
5 Office Subordinate Two po
Total Number of Posts 12 sts
sting in the society before registration of service conditions shall
continue to exist and the future vacancies due to retirement / removal
/ death, etc., i.e. excess posts than above cadre strength will
automatically be abolished.
B) Recruitment:- Recruitment of the staff shall be taken up by the Board
of Directors / Managing Committee with the prior approval or the
staffing pattern / Staff Structure as per guidelines prescribed under
APCS Act, Rules, Byelaws, Circulars and orders of the Registrar /
Government issued from time to time.
1. General Manager (By Foreign Service / Contract basis / By
i) The Services of Assistant Executive Officer or Superintendent from
TirumalaTirupatiDevasthanams or Assistant Registrar / Senior
Inspector from Cooperative Department on Foreign Service terms
and conditions.
ii) The Service of a retired employee in the Cooperative Department
not below the cadre of Assistant Registrar.