P. 78
In the meanwhile, the Election Officer tried to conduct elections with newly
prepared byelaws of TTD ECCS. Some of the general members raised objection that as
per the APCS Act, it is an offence to approve any changes in the byelaw without approval
of the General Body of the concerned Society and since the newly prepared byelaws was
not approved and accepted by the General Body of TTD ECCS during its G.B meetings
held in 2018 and 9.1.2019 and 16.12.2017. But setting aside the petitions and in order to
conduct elections to the Society as Persons-In-Charge Committee cannot be continued for
much length of time, the Election Officer proceeded further and conducted elections with
new byelaws.
In a nutshell, it is to submit that, as original byelaws registered in the year 1939
was found missing, the society had lodged a Police Complaint and as well requested the
Cooperative Department to extend a copy of the original byelaws available with them
since a copy might be available with them as they had registered the society. But, may be
for the reason that the byelaws are even not available with the Cooperative Department,
the Cooperative Department had registered new byelaws of our society with basic
provisions in February-2018. Our Society had not accepted the new byelaws and
submitted objection to Coop. Department and society functioned with old existing
consistent policy. Later in the year 2019, in order to conduct elections which are found
inevitable, the Society was forced to accept new byelaws and thus, it has to be treated
that new byelaws are in force.
While so, new byelaws contain only basic provisions and all the earlier byelaws
amendments of the Society made till the year 2018 became null & void and whatever
byelaws which are not available in the new byelaws provided by the Cooperative
Department have to be prepared and registered (amended) afresh. In this regard, the
President, TTD ECCS constituted a committee with Sri Cheerla Kiran, Director and Smt.
B. Hemalatha, Director for preparation of Service Byelaws of Society and they had
submitted a brief Service Byelaws.Thereupon, the Managing Committee vide Res.No.272
& 273, dt.30.1.2020 requested Sri C. Siva Kumar, Vice-President to examine the brief
service byelaws and to prepare and submit both Service byelaws and Society byelaws in
full & final shape. Accordingly, Sri C. Siva Kumar, Vice-President through his letter
dt.27.11.2020 had submitted draft comprehensive Society Byelaws and Service Byelaws
prepared by him, covering in detail all the points and the same was placed before the
meeting of Managing Committee held on 29.4.2023 and after detailed discussions and
suggesting omissions / commissions, it was resolved vide Res.No.608, dt.29.4.2023 to
place the subject before the General Body for approval.
When both draft comprehensive byelaws of the society and as well service
conditions of the staff of the society were placed before the General Body meeting held on
19.5.2023, the General Body vide Res.No.2, dt.19.5.2023 approved the society byelaws
alone and deferred the subject pertaining to service conditions of the staff of the society.
As per APCS Act & APCS Rules, the District Cooperative Officer / Divisional Cooperative
Officer are competent to register the society byelaws and its amendments from time to
time. Accordingly, the D.C.O registered the comprehensive byelaws of the society vide
Rc.No.626/2023.D1, dt.4.7.2023. While so, the service conditions of a society has to be
approved by the Commissioner of Cooperation & Registrar of Cooperative Societies, AP,