P. 76


                       6    2021-2022       7,40,11,718      1,80,92,000       71,70,190      1,09,21,810
                       7    2022-2023       7,00,00,000      1,96,00,000     1,63,00,000        33,00,000
                                                                 Total Savings / Surplus      3,85,22,539

                         On request of the Staff of the society, the subject  placed in the Board of Directors
                  Meeting  vide  Board  Resolution  No.589,dt:24-03-2023,  it  is  resolved  to  “Deferred”  –
                  After obtaining approval of PRC-2010 and 2015 from CC&RCS, the PRC-2022 to the
                  Staff of Society may be implemented.

                           Further it is to submit that the TTD Employees Co-Op. Credit Society is purely
               running with its own funds and the financial assistance of the TTD/CDCC Bank Ltd.  The
               society is not having any financial assistance from Government since its inception. The
               staff of the society again requested to adopt PRC-2022 to them.

                           On  the  request  of  the  staff  of  the  society,  the  subject  was  one  again  placed
               before the Board to accord necessary approval for implementation of the RPS-2022 and
               other allied G.O.’s including AAS with retrospective effect issued from time to time by the
               Government, applicable to the staff of the Society as in previous and to place it before
               General Body meeting for its approval on the recommendation of the Board of Directors,
               wherein the Board vide Res.No.604, dt.29.4.2023 deferred the subject and also resolved
               that the subject of extending RPS-2022 to staff of society shall be considered only after
               obtaining orders for RPS-2010 and RPS-2015 from Cooperative Department.  However,
               the staff requested the President to take the subject of RPS-2022 to the General Body as
               G.B  is  competent  authority  to  take  decision  on  implementation  of  the  Revised  Pay
               Scales.    As  such,  the  subject  was  placed  before  the  General  Body  meeting  held  on
               19.5.2023, wherein the G.B vide Sub .No.5, dt.19.5.2023 deferred the subject.

                         As  such,  the  subject  is  once  again  placed  before  the  Board  of  Directors  for
               recommending the subject of Revised Pay Scales-2022 to the General Body for taking a

                          Hence,  the  subject  is  placed  before  the  General  Body  meeting  for  taking  a
               decision  on  extending  /  implementing  Revised  Pay  Scales,  2022  along  with  applicable
               allied  G.Os  to  the  staff  of  TTD  Employees  Cooperative  Credit  society  Ltd.,  Tirupati
               including  retired  /  deceased  staff  also  in  pursuance  of  G.O.  M.S.  No.1  Finance
               (PC-TA), Dept, dated 17-01-2022.

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