P. 77


               Sub No.11:– (Registration of comprehensive Service Conditions (Service Byelaws) of
               TTD ECCS Ltd., Tirupati)

               File No. EB1/61/TTD ECCS/2023

                       The TTD Employees Co-operative Credit society Ltd., was established in the year
               1939 under Cooperative Societies Act and registered vide Regd.No.U382. The byelaws of
               the  Society  were  amended  from  time  to  time  whenever  required.    As  several  decades
               passed,  certain  amendments  to  Byelaws  are  available  but  it  is  noticed  that  the  original
               byelaws  registered  in  the  year 1939  at the time of establishment  is not  available in the

                        When the subject of non-availability of  original byelaws was brought to the notice
               of  the  Managing  Committee,  it  was  resolved  vide  Res.No.131(2),  dt.24.7.2017  that  the
               members of the Board has informed that since the original Bye Laws of the society is not
               submitted to the Coop Dept., on their, the approval for increase in percentage of dividend
               to be paid is not yet given by the Department. In this regard it is resolved (i) To request the
               Co-op Dept to extend a copy of the original Byelaws filed at the time of Registration of the
               Society (ii) To direct the concerned staff to trace out the original Byelaw (iii) In case, if the
               concerned is not traced out the Byelaw, to file FIR for the missing Byelaws (iv) Once an
               FIR is registered, form a committee consisting of some of the Board of Directors of the
               Society  and  a  few  Officers  of  TTD  to  draft  the  Byelaws  once  again  as  per  the  present
               needs, keeping all controls intact so as to recommend to the General Body and to submit
               it to Co-op. Department for its approval.

                        While  so,  the  Divisional  Coop.  Officer,  Tirupati  vide  letter  Rc.No.1557/2017-C2,
               dt.28.2.2018 registered and supplied a new byelaw for our society with basic provisions.
               When the same was placed for further action, the Managing Committee vide Res.No.165,
               dt.5.3.2018 observed that the new byelaws registered with basic provision is inconsistence
               with  the  latest  amendment  made  to  the  Bye  Laws  from  time  to  time  and  also  in
               contradictory to the decision of the General Body Res.No.4, dt:16-12-2017 and proposals
               sent to extend Bye Laws as per Res.No.131(2)(i).

                        As  such,  the  Managing  Committee  vide  Res.No.165,  dt.5.3.2018  resolved  (i)  to
               request  the  Co-op.  Department,  Tirupati  to  register  the  decision  of  the  General  Body
               Res.No4, dt:16-12-2017 with regard to revision of Management Committee (ii) to arrange
               to draft a Committee to establish the Bye-Laws of the Society (iii) to address a letter to the
               Co-op.  Department,  that  the  Bye  Law  register  with  basic  provision  is  not  in  line  with
               previous provisions, and also decision of the General Body Res.No.4, dt:16-12-2017, so
               as  to  proceed  to  conduct  of  Election  to  the  Managing  Committee  of  the  Society

                        Thereupon,  Memos  were  issued  to  then  Managers  and  their  predecessors  to
               produce  the  original  byelaws  if  available  with  them  but  the  same  was  not  traced  out.
               Thereupon, a complaint was lodged in the West Police Station, Tirupati to register an F.I.R
               and trace out the original Bye-Laws of the society.  But there was no further progress on
               the Police case.

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