P. 73


               Sub No.10:- (Implementation of Revised Pay Scales-2020 i.e. PRC-2022 to the Staff
               of the Society)

                          The  Government  of  Andhra  Pradesh  in  its  G.O.  M.S.  No.1  Finance    (PC-TA),
               Dept,  dated  17-01-2022,  has  Revised  the  Pay  Scales  of  various  categories  of  posts
               existing  in  government  Employees  w.e.f.  01-07-2018  notionally,  allowing  monetary
               benefits from                01-04-2020.  The benefit of Revised Pay Scales, 2022 will be paid
               in cash for the salary of January - 2022 vide G.O.Ms.No.1 Finance (PC-TA),Dept. dt:17-

                           It is further submitted that as per the A.P.C.S. Act., 1964 under rules 28(3) (b)
               “Revision of any service Rules or Pay Scales shall be made by the General Body on the
               recommendation of Managing Committee provided that the staff cost are less than 2% of
               the working capital or 30% of the Gross Profits (Statements enclosed) whichever is less
               under intimation to the Registrar of Co-Op. Societies.  Provided further that if it is found to
               be in excess of the said norms either in Audit, inspection or enquiry, the excess spent shall
               be  recoverable  from  the  managing  committee  concerned.  The  Registrar  shall  be
               recoverable from the managing committee concerned.  The Registrar shall have power to
               cancel such Pay Revision or modify it as deemed fit and adjust the securities furnished by
               the paid servants.

                       While  so,  the  Government  of  Andhra  Pradesh  issued  Revised  Pay  Scales  to  its
               employees  once  in  five  years  and  recently  implemented  RPS-2022  to  the  Government
               employees  whereas  the  staff  of  society  are  still  awaiting  RPS-2010,  2015  for  the  past
               many years for want of orders from Co-Operative Department.  The staff are continuously
               giving  representations  stating  that  the  cost  of  living  increased  and  they  are  unable  to
               maintain the families and bear expenditure for children education, medical expenses etc.,
               The staff requested to implement RPS-2022 scales in the upcoming month on wards with
               prospective  effect  and  arrears  may  be  paid  after  receipt  of  approval  orders  from
               Commissioner of                     Co-Operation.

                         It is ought to mention here that, the staff of the society was sanctioned pay scales
               up to RPS-2005 vide Rc.No.3544/2007/ECCS, dt: 03-02-2007. Further Approval of   RPS-
               2010 and RPS-2015 to the staff of the society are under process in CC&RCS (Cooperative

                         Further the  Assistant  Registrar,  Co-operative  Dept.,  in  its  report  Stated  that,  as
               per the provisions of Sec-116-C of APCS Act,1964 an amount of Rs.3,51,85,499.53 was
               incurred as excess establishment expenditure for the F.Y. 2010-11 to 2015-16.

                          On  placing  the  said  subject  before  the  Board,  in  its  Res.No.464,  dt:28-10-2021,
               resolved    to  brought  the  same  to  the  notice  of  the  General  Body  of  the  Society  for  its
               decision  seeking  exemption  under  Sec-123  of  the  Society  from  Sec-116-C,  of  APCS
               Act,1964.  Accordingly  the  General  Body  of  the  society  meeting  held  on    01-11-2021
               unanimously resolved to seek orders from the Government of Andhra Pradesh exempting
               TTD ECCS Ltd, from the provisions of Sec-116-C of APCS Act,1964 for Rs.3,51,85,499.53
               being  excess  establishment  expenditure  incurred  for  the  F.Y.2010-11  to  2015-16,  as  in
               case  of  exemption  given  to  other cooperative  societies.    The  order  of  exemption  is  still

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