P. 68


               Sub  No.9:-(Representation  of  Sri  P.  Jayachandra  Reddy,  DPO  (Computer
               Programmer) Time-scale employee for absorbing as regular employee of society)

                        Sri  P.  Jayachandra  Reddy,  DPO  (Computer  Programmer)  in  his  representation
               dt.24.11.2023 had submitted that, he was working as Computer Programmer on contract
               basis  from  1.3.2005  onwards  i.e.  for  the  past  17  years  and  as  his  services  are  felt
               essential, the society is extending his services every year duly enhancing his wages from
               time to time.  He further submitted that, he is rendering services to the utmost satisfaction
               of  the  society  and  he  is  handling  computer  software  pertaining  to  members’  data,  loan
               accounts,  raising  DCB,  postings,  note  files  &  drafts  connected  to  almost  all  the
               caseworkers of the society besides attending the works entrusted to him by the Managers,
               G.M and Managing Committee of the society from time to time; that persons who joined
               along  with  him  in  various  other  sectors  became  permanent  employees  of  respective
               organizations  and  settled.  But  he  is  still  working  on  contract  basis  for  more  than  1½
               decade.  Sri P. Jayachandra Reddy, further submitted that he is having a family consisting
               with a spouse and two children are totally depending on him and he is worried about his
               children’s future as there is no job security to him.

                        Sri  P.  Jayachandra  Reddy,  further  submitted  that  when  he  submitted
               representation seeking absorption / regularisation of his services in the society, the Board
               of Directors vide Res.No.562, dt.21-01-2023 extended Minimum of Time Scale to that of a
               Junior Assistant in RPS-2015 w.e.f 1.2.2023 onwards and recently, the Govt. Of A.P vide
               Act  No.30  of  2023  issued  orders  to  regularize  the  services  of  persons  who  have  been
               appointed on contract basis on or before 2  June, 2014 and are continuing till date and
               requested  the  society  to  regularize  his  services  as  Junior  Assistant  in  TTD  ECCS  Ltd.,
               Tirupati, in pursuance of above Act of Govt. of A.P.

                        The work of Centralization and Computerization of Accounts of TTD ECCS Ltd.,
               was taken up in the year 2003-04 and the  software was provided by M/s. S.V. Infosys,
               Tirupati.  Thereupon, the President/E.O, TTD approved the proposals on 18.12.2004 for
               utilizing  the  services  of  one  Computer  Programmer  on  contract  basis  from  TTD  for  a
               period  of  one  year  and  proceedings  were  issued  through  TTD  EDP  department  vide
               Roc.No.17450/D1/EDPM/2003,  dt.21.2.2005.    Accordingly,  M/s.  Hi-Tech  Computers,
               Tirupati  which  was  providing  Programmers  to  TTD  had  proposed  Sri  P.  Jayachandra
               Reddy  (who  already  worked  with  our  Emp.  Bank  Computerization  Project  as  Senior
               Programmer) as Senior Programmer on contract basis for one year and accordingly, he
               joined  in  the  Bank  on  2.3.2005  on  monthly  remuneration  of  Rs.5,950/-  through  M/s.
               Hi-Tech  Computers,  Tirupati.    He  is  possessing  M.C.A,  B.Sc  (Computer  Science)  from
               S.V.U with additional computer software & hardware skills including internet operations.

                        Further,  the  services  of  above  Programmer  were  being  extended  every  year  in
               view of requirement.  Further, as per norms of TTD Board Res.No.44, dt.27.4.2009, the
               remuneration  to  Senior  Programmer  working  in  TTD  ECCS  Ltd.,  was  enhanced  from

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