P. 71


                   8.  The  Persons  so  regularized  shall  be  governed  by  the  provisions  of  the  National
                       Pension System (NPS) as adopted by the Government and with prospective effect

                        The  TTD  Management  had  also  initiated  steps  to  regularize  eligible  contract
               employees in TTD and is under process.

                       With  regard  to  Rule  of  Reservation  pertaining  to  Junior  Assistant  cadre,  it  is  to
               submit  that,  from  the  inception  of  the  Society,  the  Rule  of  Reservation  has  not  been
               followed since there is no provision in the Bye-laws of the Society.  Later, provision was
               made in the Society under the Bye-law No.62(3)(ii) on 22.9.1986 as below:

                    Byelaw  No.62(3)(ii):-  While  making  appointments  to  the  posts  in  the  Bank,  the
                    Bank shall reserve such percentage of posts in favour of S.Cs, S.Ts and B.Cs in
                    Direct  Recruitment  as  well  as  promotions  and  also  grant  such  special
                    concessions as may be directed by the Government from time to time.

                       The Divl.Coop Officer, Tirupati in his letter Rc.No.204/96-C, dt.27.11.1996 fixed the
               following R-O-R to Junior Assistant posts in TTD ECCS.

                                       S.C      S.T    B.C(A)  B.C(B)  O.C(PH)
                                          2      0        0         1         1

                        While  so,  following  is  the  cadre  strength  and  vacancy  position  of  the  Society
               pertaining to Junior Assistant.

                     Posts existed prior to 22.4.1985                                           8
                     (+) Posts created for Tirumala Branch                                      3

                     Sub-Total                                                                 11
                     (-)  Vacant  posts  as  on  24.7.2017  (BOD  Res.No.132(ii)  &
                        Res.No.134,  dt.24.7.2017  to  abolish  all  the  vacant  posts  in     3
                        the society as on date)
                     Sub-Total                                                                  8
                     (-) Present working
                        (1) Sri G. Srinivasa Rao (BC)
                        (2) Sri A.V. Rajasekhar Reddy (OC)
                        (3) Sri M. Munigovindaiah (SC)                                          6
                        (4) Sri A. Sadasiva Reddy
                        (5) Sri M. Gunasekhar Reddy
                        (6) Sri M. Madhusudhan Reddy
                     Total vacant posts as on today                                             2

   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76