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24. An employee desiring to avail of earned leave or extra-
ordinary leave shall apply in writing not less than 15 days
before the date from which the leave is desired. However, this
requirement may be condoned by the Competent Authority if it
is satisfied that due to urgent or unforeseen circumstances
(including sickness duly supported by medical certificate
acceptable to the Competent Authority), the employee could
not fulfill this requirement.
25. If an employee on leave desires an extension thereof, he/she
shall make a written application giving reasons so as to reach
the Society at least three days before the expiry of leave.
A reply communicating the sanction or rejection of the leave
extension shall be sent by the Society to the employee to the
address given by him/her in his/her application for extension
of leave.
26. Absence without leave whether in continuation of sanction
leave or otherwise may entail break in service, besides
disciplinary action.
27. A Leave Register/Record shall be maintained by the Society for
each kind of leave in respect of each employee.
For the purposes of leave record, the year will be twelve months from
1 April to 31 March. The leave accounts of employee will, therefore, be
credited with leave entitlements on 1st April each year.
(L) Annual Periodical Increments:
1. Annual increments on first appointment in direct recruitment or
promotion shall be allowed after the concerned employee has complied
with the conditions of his appointment to such post, if any as
2. Subject to above provision, annual increment in the pay scale shall
accrue normally to an employee after he/ she has completed one
year’s service in the pay scale, unless it has been withheld for reasons
for unsatisfactory work or / and conduct etc. and communicated in
writing to the employee concerned.
3. The annual increments to the employees shall be allowed w.e.f. first
day of the month in which these fall due instead of actual date of
accrual subject to the following conditions:
4. The increment of an employee on leave other than casual leave on 1st
of the month will be actually drawn from the date of resuming duty on