P. 167
As revealed from Proc. Rc.No.10014/2001/U.B.II, dt.12.12.2001 of the RCS,
Hyd., there were 17 posts in existence prior to 22.4.1985 (mentioned in
Vimala Kumari madam report - excluding G.M post). In 1992, 12 posts were
additionally sanctioned exclusively for Tirumala branch of Society. Since,
Tirumala branch winded up, the said 12 posts have to be disbanded and
only 18 posts should remain / exist. The present working strength against
the said 18 posts is shown below.
Approved Present
Sno Name of the Post Cadre Working Vacancy / Excess
1(a) Strength Strength
1 Secretary / G.M 1 1 Nil
Manager /
2 1 0 1 Vacant
3 Senior Asst 3 0 3 Vacant
4 Junior Asst 8 6 2 Vacant
5 L.D.Typist 1 2 1 Excess
6 Assistant 1 3 2 Excess
7 Attender 3 5 2 Excess
18 17
Irregular payment of Pay & Allowances to the employees of Society in
violation of the connected Law and causing unlawful loss to the Society.
Only RPS-1999 was approved by the Registrar of Coop. Societies,
(a) AP, Hyd vide Proc.Rc.No. 10014/2001/U.B.II, dt.12.12.2001 whereas
the staff are drawing RPS-2010, RPS-2015 in violation of Rules.
During enquiry, only the "Establishment Expenditure" was taken into
account for verifying Sec.116(C) but "Contingent Expenditure" not
taken into account and it is left for the discretion of the DRCS, Tirupati
to seek clarification in this regard, if necessary.
Establishment expenditure paid in excess than the permissible limit
under Sec.116(C) of Act i.e. excess paid than eligible expenditure on
30% of gross profit (or) 2% on working capital, whichever is less, as
2 detailed below.
Year Expenses Eligible Excess paid
(c) 2010-2011 7039662 2872220.2 4167441.79
2011-2012 8166479.5 582278.21 7584201.29
2012-2013 7926337 3228034.5 4698302.47
2013-2014 10479791 2265345.3 8214445.7
2014-2015 8727049 6524655.9 2202393.1
2015-2016 12367251 4048535.8 8318715.18
Excess paid for the above six years is 35185499.53
2016-17 eligible
worked out