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                        Cadre  Strength  Management  -  Certain  serious  lapses.    On  perusal  of
                        Proc.Rc.No.25245/200-UB-IV,  dt.23.3.2005,  dt.15.12.2005  and  Rc.No.25245-PC.4,

                        dt.7.5.2012  of  the  Commissioner  for  Cooperation  and  RCS,  Hyd  reveal  that  the
                        Managing Committee of Society had......
                             Sanctioned  2  posts  of  Senior  Assts  and  8  posts  of  Assts  in  1991  and  sent
                             proposals, but is still pending approval by RCS, Hyd.
                             Upgraded 7 posts of Assistants to L.D.Accountants and absorbed 5 individuals
                             working on NMR basis, as Assistants, without prior approval of the RCS, Hyd.
                             vide  Emp.  Notification-1996,  invited  applications  for  filling  up  16  vacancies
                         c   (Jr.Asst  -  8,  Asst  -  4,  Atr  -  4),  taken  up  recruitment  and  appointment  of  16
                             employees vide Res.No.85, dt.16.11.1996.
                             Subsequently,  on  the  directions  of  the  DCO,  Tpt.,  all  16  employees  were
                             removed from service w.e.f. 16.12.1996.
                             On  being  contested  by  the  removed  employees  in  AP  HC,  Hyd,  the  learned
                         e   Single  Judge  quashed  the  orders  of  the  M.C  and  directed  all  the  employees
                             should be re-inducted forthwith.
                             The Hon'ble H.C while disposing the W.A.No.1733/2001 filed by the M.C, did
                             not find fault with the orders of the Single Judge and ordered that the matters
                         f   regarding availability of posts and the procedure of recruitment should be got
                             enquired into by the RCS duly ensuring that those posts found in accordance
                             with the rules are not disturbed.
                         g   The major findings of the enquiry held by the Cooperative authorities were
                        (i)   that the society took up recruitment in excess of the sanctioned strength and
                        (ii)  that the rule of reservations was not followed
                             that  the  appointments  made  by  BoD  of  Society  in  respect  of  M.  Muni
                             Govindaiah  (SC)  and  S.  Lokanadham  (BC)  as  J.As;  G.R.Babu  (SC)  and  S.
                             Ramakrishna  (SC)  as  Assistants  and  S.  Nagaraju  (SC)  and  I.  Dharani  Babu
                             (BC-A) as Attenders were according to rules & roster points.
                             that  the  appointments  made  by  BoD  of  Society  in  respect  of  A.  Chandra
                             Reddy(OC),  M.  Muni  Reddy(OC),  S.S.  Deva  Raju  (OC),  M.  Madhusudhan
                             Reddy (OC), M. Gunasekhar Reddy(OC), P. Sudhakar (SC) as J.As; P. Prasad
                             (BC-A), S. Ramanappa Reddy (OC), B. Madhu Sudhan Reddy (OC-PH) and K.
                             Guru Murthy (ST) were not in confirmity of the rules and the R-O-R as laid down
                             in Byelaw 62(3)(ii) of Society was not followed.
                             The Commr of Coop and RCS, Hyd in the Proc., dt.15.12.2005 had indicated
                             the  slots  against  which  the  9  candidates  out  of  16  appointments  might  be
                             alloted in confirmity with the rules as wel as the R-O-R from the inception of the
                             Society and directed the President / G.M to take necy. action.
                             Only 3 candidates (M. Muni Govindaiah(SC), S. Lokanadham (BC) and Sri S.
                         i   Ramakrishna(SC))  were  appointed  as  J.As,  vide  Proc.  Roc.No.  EB1/10/95,
                             dt.24.7.2009 of the President.
                             Later G.R. Babu(SC) as Asst; S. Nagaraju (SC), I. Dharani Babu(BC) and B.
                         j   Madhusudhan  Reddy(OC-PH)  as  Attenders  vide  Proc.Roc.No.  EB1/10/96,
                             dt.9.2.2011 of the President.
                             In pursuance of orders of Hon'ble HC in WP.No.30981/2011, dt.12.12.2011, the
                             Commr of Coop  and RCS,  Hyd  vide  Proc.Rc.No.  25245/04/PC.4,  dt.7.5.2005
                             directed  the  President/GM  to  take  necessary  action  for  appointment  of  A.
                             Sadasiva Reddy as LD Typist against clear vacancy, M. Gunasekhar Reddy as
                         k   J.A against clear vacancy, A. Chandra Reddy and M. Madhusudhan Reddy as
                             J.As,  by  promoting  2  senior  most  J.As  as  S.As  against  existing  vacancies
                             keeping in view of provisions of Sec.116(C) of Act. No action has so far been
                             taken in this regard stating that the W.As filed in this regard, are still pending in
                             the H.C.

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