P. 173


                        The service conditions of the Staff of society are governed by the Act.  The staffing
                        pattern, recruitment of the staff, promotions, fixation of seniority, disciplinary action
                        against the erring officials, etc., are to be dealt by the Cooperative Department.
                        The scales of pay of the staff of the society have to be approved by the RCS, Hyd.
                        As per Lr.No.EB1/47/87, dt.4.3.1999, there were instances of drawing the pay scales
                        by the  employees  of  society on  par  with  TTD employees, in  the  RPS  1978,  1986,
                        1993, despite the fact that there is no provision in the byelaws.
                        There are irregularities / lapses in sanction of loans to ineligible members and / or
                        sanction and disbursement of loans without observing the procedure prescribed.
                        There  are  several  grievances  regarding  recruitment,  appointment,  promotion,
                        seniority,  etc.,  leading  to  litigation.    Thus,  the  maladministration  in  the  TTD  ECCS
                        has  been  deep-rooted  and  the  above  mentioned  lapses  /  irregularities signify  how
                        rampant it is.
                        The  Managing  Committee  /  Board  of  Directors,  along  with  the  Officers  and  the
                        personnel concerned shall be held responsible for the irregularities and lapses and
                        the details of the M.C / BoD are clearly shown against each lapse.

                           Hence, the subject is placed before the Board of Directors for taking a decision
                  on rectification of defects pointed out by the Cooperative Department which pertains to
                  staffing  pattern,  appointments,  pay  &  allowances,  special  allowances,  provisions  of
                  Sec.116(c), etc..

                  In the Board of Directors Meeting it is resolved as follows:

                      (a) Priority to be given for rectification of defects.  The concerned Clerk shall obtain
                         necessary remarks / reply from all concerned caseworkers of the society and get
                         the  defects  dropped  at  the  earliest.  Manager  i/c  concerned  shall  pay  special
                         attention to rectification of defects.

                      (b) To place the defects before the General Body as pointed out by the Auditor, for
                         information and for taking appropriate decisions.

                                Hence, the subject is placed before General Body for taking a decision.

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