P. 172
3 M. Purushotham Assistant
4 V.S.L.N. Babu Junior Asst Retired
5 D. Hari Babu L.D.Acct Retired
6 A.V. Rajasekhara Reddy L.D.Acct
7 P. Viswa Mohan Junior Asst Retired
8 N. Kuppu Swamy Reddy Junior Asst Retired
9 J. Gangadharam Assistant
10 K. Gajendran Assistant
Pay revised and SGP
scale cancelled
11 Y. Nagarathnamma Junior Asst Retired
12 C. Mohana Murali Junior Asst Deemed to be Resigned
13 G. Srinivasa Rao Junior Asst
The AAS provided is highly irregular in violation of byelaws resulting loss to funds of
society. Hence, the above needs to be revised / refixed and the resultant excess
payment caused loss to funds of society would need to be worked out and recovered
from concerned employees.
Appointment of C. Mahesh, Attender as L.D.Typist w.e.f. date of his initial
appointment as Attender is highly irregular.
He produced Duplicate copy of SSC certificate but the same was not clearly
recorded in the S.R to the effect "Duplicate"
It could not be ascertained whether the genuineness of the SSC certificate submitted
by the candidate was ensured by the authorities at the time of appointment of the
A detailed enquiry in this regard would need to be held. Pending enquiry regarding
the genuineness of the educational qualifications, C. Mahesh would need to be
reverted to his initial post of Attender with immediate effect and the excess payment
owing to irregular appointment as L.D.Typist would need to be recovered from him,
Sanction and payment of Advance Increment / FPP increment to employees of
society for possessing higher academic qualifications / having undergone family
planning operation to following employees is irregular and needs recovery.
1 K. Venkata Muni senior Asst FPP increment
2 C. Mohana Murali Junior Asst FPP increment
3 A.V. Rajasekhara Reddy Junior Asst FPP & Adv. Increment
4 D. Hari Babu Junior Asst Advance increment
5 M. Purushotham L.D.Typist FPP increment
6 J. Gangadharam Assistant FPP increment
7 V.S.L.N. Babu Junior Asst FPP increment
Though entry for recovery was recorded in the S.R of M. Purushotham, L.D.Typist,
no action so far taken to effect recovery from him.
Sanction and payment of P.C.A on par with TTD employees is highly irregular, as
H there is no provision in the Byelaws of the society. Thus, the same would need to be
dispensed and amounts already paid to be recovered.
T&P and consumables are being maintained and shown in a single register instead
of maintaining them separately.
All the defects pointed out in the Special Report dt.19.1.2015 on the EPF, submitted
by M/s. Uma Maheswara Rao & Co., Chartered Accountants, Tpt., to the President
are pending rectification.