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Message from
The President of Col. Henry Steele Olcott
Memorial Sports Foundation – 2021
It is indeed a pleasure to issue a message as the president
of this esteemed organization, Col. Henry Steele Olcott
Memorial Sports Foundation, CHSOMSF to mark its 25th
year of service to the premier Buddhist schools in Sri
Lanka established by Colonel Henry Steele Olcott.
Foremost, it is a great honor for me to be We accept the fact that we couldn’t do
appointed as the president of this important wonders during the past due to various
milestone of the CHSOMSF. reasons, but we have given a good start to
meet the objectives of H. S .Olcott and we
Though the activities of the CHSOMSF had pledged that we secure the objectives of our
been paralyzed due to the pandemic organization. Evan during the current 25th
situation of the country and health anniversary year, due to the restrictions
guidelines / restrictions imposed since made by the health authorities we are not in
early 2020 we couldn’t neglect the a position to have celebrations with the
achievement made by our pioneers, entire membership and public. However, we
charter members, past presidents, donors, have already taken steps to organize many
other well-wishers, supporters and sponsors programs on a virtual platform and will
to this volunteer organization. Also it’s not invite you all to participate those events. .
an easy task to maintain an organization of
this nature for 25 years, I salute all the stake Finally, I do not hesitate to convey my hurtful
holders, who assisted us to be alive for 25 wishes and thanks to all pioneers, principals,
years and seek the assistance of same to do presidents of old boys associations and all
an even better service to not only to our the members of CHSOMSF who devoted
eight schools , but also for all other schools much more time for the development of this
in line with the expectations and ideology of organization, but not forgetting my present
our founder, and specially focusing to the Ex. Comm. members, sub-committees and
needy schools in rural areas. its leaders for their support extended to
make all our activities scheduled to
It is pertinent to mention that we have celebrate our Silver Jubilee.
completed most of the projects successfully
from the generous contributions made by
our charter members, past presidents, Gamini Swarnapala
executive committee members, members President - 2021
Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation
and donors canvassed by our life members.
Appreciate their contributions and expect
the same support in the future too.