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                                      Message from The Principal
                                    of Dharmaraja College, Kandy.

         It is with great pride and pleasure that I send this message to the souvenir on the occasion of
         the Silver Jubilee of Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation.

         I believe that the close bond existing among the leading Buddhist schools in Sri Lanka provide
         ample opportunities for the members to strengthen their ties.

         There is no doubt that the sports events organized by the Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation
         strengthen the intimacy and fellow feeling of the students of Ananda, Nalanda, Dharmaraja,
         Dharmapala, Maliyadeva, Dharmasoka, Mahinda and Rahula.  It also provides an opportunity
         for the old boys of these noble schools to pay their respect to their Alma Mater.

          As the Principal of Dharmaraja College,  I wish to extend my best wishes for all endeavors of
         this Sports Foundation.

                                                 K.P.P. Ariyasinghe

                                                       The Principal
                                                Dharmaraja College, Kandy.

                                        Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation - 2021
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