Page 126 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 126

121    Travel Reports  of the Meetings

           The Arrival                          bonds between the students from

                                                guests and hosts.
           On a Sunday, the 10th of Decem-
           ber 2017 the groups from all across
           Europe arrived in Iserlohn. Due
           to severe weather conditions, with
           snow storms all over Germany, some   European
           groups arrived later than expected,
           so that the welcome event with the   Connec-
           Lord Mayor and the first project
           activities took place with a reduced  tions
           number of students.
                                                On Tuesday the 12th of December,
           But the day was not over yet. In the   after presenting the results of var-
           evening of the same day (18:00)      ying projects and presentations in
           the participants met at the Stenner   the morning, there was a series of
           Gymnasium  to take a  bus,  visiting   interesting tasks to be completed by
           the neighbouring city of Bochum to   students. They gathered in groups to
           watch the famous play “A Christmas   organise the cooking of a meal at a
           Carol“. The huge Christmas tur-      school kitchen at a nearby school..
           key on stage inspired students and   This did not only include the prepar-
           teachers in the interval and on their   ing, cooking and serving of dishes,
           way back to talk about Christmas     but also buying all the ingredients
           customs and food in our countries.   required to cook that group meal as
           Visiting the play and sharing this   well as some research regarding the
           experience of a culturally important   origin and quality of the used prod-
           piece of art further strengthened the   ucts.

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