Page 127 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 127

121    Travel Reports  of the Meetings                                      122

                 his contributed to the friend-  farmer does not send his animals to
           T ship between the students as       countries where his cows would have
           well as providing a delicious inter-  to suffer a lot.
           national meal.
                                                After this trip students went on
           As many students really appreciated   the “Foodwalk“, which is described
           each other’s company, many of them   above, where the host students guid-
           met up to go to the famous German    ed groups of students around the
           Christmas market after lunch, while   city. Afterwards, the participants
           others used to spend the rest of the   gathered to take a trip to the famous
           day with their hosts.                Dortmund Christmas Market with
                                                the highest Christmas Tree in the
           The following Wednesday was          world, or so they say. The Christmas
           packed with exciting activities, not   Market was a culinary world in itself,
           only did they give students a better   where visitors not only can eat typi-
           grasp of where their food is coming   cally German food (like half a meter
           from, but they were also able to ex-  of bratwurst), but also international
           perience the everyday and Christmas   dishes.
           culture in Germany first hand.
                                                The following day was one of the most
           The next day, the group took a trip   if  not  the  most  event-filled  on  this
           to a nearby eco-farmer located in    meeting. Students went to Cologne
           the village of Hennen. There, stu-   by coach, where they experienced the
           dents experienced the ‘production’   unavoidable Cologne Christmas Mar-
           of beef - learning about cows being   ket, a guided walk of the city centre,
           transported all throughout Europe    a visit to Cologne Cathedral, a visit to
           and beyond. Students learned that    the Chocolate Museum, where they
           the export and import of cows - liv-  were able to learn about the histo-
           ing animals - is regulated by strict,   ry of chocolate and had the task to
           ethical rules, whereas beyond the EU   design their own chocolate, before
           rules are by far less strict, so that the   going back to Iserlohn by coach.

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