Page 85 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2019
P. 85

This  is  why  contestants  who  appear  on  those    The  most  successful  logos  in  music  are  easily
           television  talent  competitions  will  often  hear   recognized,  and  when  viewed,  you  don’t  even
           from the judges, “I don’t know who you are.” It       have  to  read  the  letters  to  know  that  band.
           is  essential  to  understand  your  brand  and  be   Examples of this include Van Halen, Def Leppard,
           consistent about it. You are a product, after all,    AC/DC,  Kiss,  and  The  Beatles.  Some  of  the
           and  in  order  to  sell  yourself,  you  must        biggest blunders in logo design that I often come
           understand  who  your  audience  is  and  the         across is in the genre of metal music. Many are
           message  you  are  conveying.  Avoid  the  use  of    almost illegible due to the horror aspects applied
           non-specific,  romanticized  labels  that  describe   (all that gore, dripping blood, and highly-stylized
           the  genre  of  your  music.  In  your  effort  to  be   gothic lettering). If you can’t read the message,
           “unique”  you  might  well  be  confusing  your       then  what’s  the  point?  The  key  is  creating  an
           audience…along  with  important  decision-            effective  logo  and  sticking  with  it!  Once  in
           makers.                                               circulation,  resist  the  urge  to  redesign  it.
                                                                 Consistency is key in branding!
          Besides the message you impart with your music,
          have a platform; an interest with which you can                        BUSINESS PLAN
          align  yourself,  lend  your  voice,  and  can  get    Music is a business and you should treat it as
          behind.  It’s  good  business  to  give  back  and     such.  Thus,  you  should  have  a  solid  business
          support a cause or charitable interests. This will     plan in place with projections, plans, and goals.
          resound with your audience that you care about         I’ve  only  come  across  a  few  artists/bands  that
          various social issues and organizations enough         actually have business plans in place…and they
          to  support  them  through  your  music  and           are WORKING and MAKING MONEY.
                                                                 As  a  band  unit,  you  should  have  frequent
                          IMAGE/STYLING                          meetings where you discuss your goals and how
           A part of your branding is your personal style.       you plan to meet them. Keep your expectations
           Be  aware  of  the  image  you  are  portraying  on   realistic  and  make  your  goals  attainable  ones.
           stage and be sure you have SOME form of flair.        Know your “numbers” – your outlay of expenses
           After  all,  people  are  paying  money  to  be       versus the cash you are bringing into the coffers.
           entertained and part of that is the visual. This      Have  a  budget!  This  is  Business  101.  Many
           does not mean you need spandex jumpsuits or           businesses  fail  in  the  first  year  and  there  are
           tuxedos, but by all means, don’t dress like you       many reasons, including poor planning, lack of
           just got back from the beach. That only works if      funding, and not knowing how to run a business
           you  are  The  Beach  Boys.  If  totally  lost  in  this   – along with no effective means of promotions
           department,  consult  a  stylist  or  someone  you    or  advertising  --  are  some  of  the  stumbling
           know  who  has  fashion  awareness.  Some             blocks that lead to decimation. The internet is a
           boutiques will have helpful salespeople. Look at      great source of information on the business of
           how successful artists dress and emulate them, if     music.  Read everything you can! Knowledge is
           their style speaks to you, but keep in mind that      power and ignorance is not bliss.

           you  want  to  be  comfortable  on  stage.  The       As a side note, when contemplating investing in
           internet  is  a  great  source  to  research  various   a particular business to support your career, do
           looks that you can adopt to add a little flair to     not be afraid to ask for a reference or examples
           your stage persona. Bands need to look like a         of their results. An ethical business will readily
           cohesive  unit.  This  does  not  mean  that  you     provide  this.  Also,  do  not  accept  that
           should dress alike…but do give some thought to        “testimonials”  are  legit.  Sometimes  these  are
           your overall look as a group.                         generated to give the appearance of legitimacy.

                               LOGO                              Other artists and bands often are a great source
           A logo is your first visually-displayed branding.     of information and they usually will share their
           It should be legible and thus, easily read from a     experience  with  a  particular  business  or  entity
           distance  as  it  will  be  utilized  on  signage.    (especially when their experience was a negative
           business cards…EVERYWHERE.                            one!).
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