Page 90 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2019
P. 90
Artists are less likely to get screwed over when Ultimately, it’s an artist’s personal choice to sign
they have a competent manager looking out for to an indie label. Some of the things that should
them. The key is to find a manager that is be taken into consideration are those who are
trustworthy and truly believes in YOU and your already signed to that label…are they making
music. Managers get a percentage, so you must strides in their career, including selling music
be able to support this fee. and touring? What sort of fanbase do they have?
There’s an old saying, “I will know you by the
PR PROFESSIONAL company you keep.” Would YOU want to be
I’m a tad partial to this profession as it’s been included on that label’s roster?
my chosen field for many years. Simply put, your
publicist will be your biggest cheerleader and Today’s labels are nothing like those of 20 years
your gatekeeper. They disseminate information ago. Basically, they just don’t do artist
that is in keeping with your brand. They write development anymore. Thus, you’d better be the
and distribute press releases on your milestones, whole package and have your act together when
and interface with various entities, such as presenting yourself for the best likelihood to be
venues, media, charities, record labels, etc., and signed. The major labels and top indie labels will
are your point of contact and goodwill not accept a submission from you directly. Like
ambassador. They create a “buzz” and position so many other aspects of this industry, it’s who
you to inspire media coverage and viable you know that brings opportunities.
bookings. They also oversee the writing of any
promotional materials and updating them. Your AWARDS/CONTESTS/CHARTS
PR person will usually oversee the There are a plethora of awards shows, various
appearance/content of promotional/print charts, and other contests out there. Winning a
materials to be distributed. They advise you respected award is an important milestone and
regarding interview etiquette, how to handle something that is a welcome addition to any
topics of a sensitive nature, should they arise, artist’s resume. Be aware that there are many,
and how best to present your brand in the public many events disguised as award ceremonies that
arena. You can generally retain a PR pro for an in reality are just a money-making proposition
agreed fee. You simply should not tour without for the organizers. By the time you pay for travel,
a publicist on your team. hotel, tickets (and sometimes, the award itself),
it’s a losing proposition monetarily. Ask yourself,
RECORD LABEL “Will winning this award advance my career?
Ah, the age-old question arises…to sign or not Does this carry weight in the industry?” And
to sign? I wish I had the answer, but I simply before taking part in online fan-voting on social
don’t. There are only a limited number of media or on various artist platform websites, do
“majors” that are operating today who have the understand that what you are actually doing is
manpower and working capital to position you increasing that platform’s engagement, traffic
for mainstream viability. Virtually ANYONE can and boosting their analytics. Again, how will
sign to an indie label today. And believe me, winning some poll on a radio station get you
some WILL take anyone…for a price. Being better gigs? The answer is, it probably won’t. In
“signed” does give an artist or band credibility reality, the only chart that matters in the business
in the industry. However, in today’s DIY of music is Billboard. Period. I see a lot of artists
atmosphere, there are many things that artists and bands wasting their energy trying to drum
can oversee for themselves, including up support to position themselves on no-name
distribution of their music. Like anything else, charts that mean diddly-squat in the industry.
there are good labels and bad. Some simply seek
to sign as many artists as possible and then park Also, before taking part in paid radio spin
them, doing very little to advance their cause. A programs, know the REAL score. How is it that
good label will serve in an advisory capacity and by paying money to an entity that you can then
offer the career support that will position you for magically appear on some acme chart right along
success. with a mainstream artist? It just doesn’t happen
that way.