Page 87 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2019
P. 87
MTV brought us into an era of visually-driven INVEST in an attention-grabbing, informative,
music. Today’s music fan expects to SEE – as well and user-friendly professional website.
as hear – their favorite artist or band. Thus, the
video is a key element to be included by every There are DIY website creation “drop and drag”
serious artist. The lyric video and commercial platforms that are easy to use and provide you
video are utilized to support your music releases beautiful templates. Wix is one. Or, you can go
and therefore, should be strategically placed on the route of hiring a web designer. These do not
your video platform of choice in conjunction with come cheap but are well worth the investment
the new music that they feature. Many choose when dealing with a lot of specialized plug-ins
YouTube, however, Vevo presents a more and other web-development applications. Your
professional platform that cuts out all the non- website may also include a section with your EPK
relevant nonsense that YouTube tends to (Electronic Press Kit) geared toward the industry
include, but there is a monetary investment for with a protected sign-in. We will discuss EPK’s
Vevo. Also, if you are working your social media, later in this article. And while you are acquiring
avail yourself of displaying your video across your website, also procure an email system that
your various platforms as well, which will target doesn’t end in Yahoo, Hotmail, or
your fans. This sends a message that you are a business
professional and gives you credibility.
In order to acquire quality bookings (Remember
bookings? That’s where people PAY you money Developing an engaged, active social media is
and don’t TAKE money from you…unless you KING today. When I worked in booking, I could
“pay to play” -- which is the devil’s work), a well- hear the Talent Buyer’s fingers on the keyboard,
produced live performance video is an important searching out the social media of the band that I
sales tool. Talent buyers, festival and corporate was trying to inspire him/her to book. They
event organizers, and booking agents want to actually have a formula that determines, based
hear your sound without the studio on the number of your followers, how many
enhancements. Acquire a professional people will possibly show up for your
videographer and engineer who can properly performance. Trust me, it’s difficult to convince
capture your sound in a live setting and will an out-of-state venue/festival to book your band
properly set the sound and make sure it is high- when you have weak social media with little
quality and balanced. Amateur live recordings engagement. After all, they can get a local band
will do you an injustice. with a built-in following for less money (and not
have to buy hotel rooms).
Finally, a promotional video that is specifically Make sure you are active on all the “usual
targeted toward the industry is another video suspects” – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
format that will assist you in acquiring bookings. And work them EVERYDAY! Keep them fresh and
This is specifically geared toward talent buyers keep them moving. Avail yourself of the
and other decision-makers. A promo video opportunity to do live broadcasts. Ask questions
usually consists of short clips of various of your fanbase that will invite discussion – which
performances along with dynamic voice-overs brings ENGAGEMENT. Social media provides
and includes your contact information and links FREE forms of promotion for your project. Study
to sites. One of my pet peeves with a lot of live- these platforms and understand how they work.
performance and promo videos is that they are There is much out there on the World Wide Web
not synced with the music (the performer’s lips on maneuvering social media that will help you
are not moving in tandem with the music), which become effective on these platforms. DO NOT
gives it an overall amateurish vibe. Hire a BUY FOLLOWERS! This will not help you,
professional! ultimately, as these bought followers will not
WEBSITE/EMAIL/SOCIAL MEDIA come to your shows or buy your merch. Also,
All of these are absolutely necessary! Hint: Do those of us “in the know” can easily spot when
not utilize your social media account, Bandcamp, followers are purchased. All one has to do is look
ReverbNation, Soundcloud, etc. as your website! at the engagement and you instantly lose
credibility in the industry.