Page 89 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2019
P. 89

Newspapers  and  magazines  are  on  timelines.                       BOOKING AGENT
           Being slow to respond or provide the necessary        This brings us to the elusive booking agent. I say
           releases and requested information could (and         “elusive” as they are as difficult to find for indie
           will) cause you to miss an opportunity. There are     artists as Big Foot or the Chupacabra. If you can
           literally thousands of artists and bands vying for    procure yourself an effective agent, bow down
           limited slots, thus, you are easily replaced.         and  worship  at  his/her  altar.  Many  booking
                                                                 agents won’t even work with independent artists
          Also,  remember  to  demonstrate  professional         until they can command an appearance fee that
          courtesy by showing gratitude for the coverage         makes  it  worth  their  time.  Their  commissions
          by reciprocating and sharing that coverage with        begin  at  10  percent  and  more,  commensurate
          your followers. Media coverage is also essential       with the dollar amount they procure you for the
          for your website and EPK, as being “in the news”       gig. A dedicated booking agent is GOLD. They
          indicates that you are being noticed and making        will get you jobs you don’t have, and you only
          waves  in  the  industry.  BTW…please  do  not         pay them if they get the gig. As a side note, when
          engage in paid journalism. It cheapens you and         booking a show, NEVER promise that you can fill
          sends  the  message  that  you  don’t  believe  in     a room if you, in fact, cannot. You might get that
          yourself enough to procure it on your own.             one gig, but they’ll never have you back. This is
                                                                 a  business  built  on  relationships  and  repeat
                          RADIO AIRPLAY                          bookings. And it’s not unusual for a buyer who
           Very  necessary!  You  either  garner  this           is considering hiring you to call a previous gig
           organically  by  sending  out  your  music  to        and ask how you did at that venue.
           individual stations or you hire a radio promoter
           and/or do a “radio tour”, which can coincide with     By all  means, position your booking agent for
           your tour schedule, but is costly. There are also     success! Make sure they have all the necessary
           various  radio  spin  programs  that  are  offered.   tools and support materials that I listed earlier in
           Many of these companies’ actual effectiveness is      this article. A good agent will be sure to get a
           questionable,  but  there  are  some  viable  ones.   50 percent deposit and hold it in an account for
           Each should be carefully evaluated but know that      each  show,  as  a  safety  net,  plus,  they  will
           they can be expensive. If you have a publicist,       advance the show for you and provide you with
           they also should be sending out your press kit        all of the details pertaining to that appearance
           to radio stations in the vicinity of every tour stop,   including  information  on  backline,  sound,
           trying to entice them to either play your music or    contact person, special requests, hotel info, etc.
           have you in studio for an interview to promote        An agent should be licensed and have access to
           your show. And when it comes to radio airplay,        legal  counsel  to  handle  breaches  and  other
           internet  radio  shows  are  your  heroes!  For       booking-related matters.
           without them…where would independent artists
           be?                                                                      MANAGER
                              TOURING                            At some point, you will hopefully be busy enough
           This is non-negotiable. After all, if you want to     to  need  a  manager.  The  truth  is,  artists  are
           get the word out on your music, build your fan        notoriously bad business people as they utilize
           base, AND sell your music and merch, you need         more  of  the  creative  side  of  their  brain  rather
           to  tour.  Of  course,  the  biggest  hurdle  to      than  the  analytic.  And  it’s  hard  to  be  creative
           overcome is the expense of touring and getting        when  bogged  down  in  the  daily  operations  of
           enough  out-of-state  bookings  to  support  the      your career. A manager should NOT be a band
           expense.  In  the  beginning,  many  tours  lose      member, a family member, or anyone without a
           money  and  are  fortunate  to  break  even.          background in music and business management.
           However,  acquiring  bookings  out-of-town  and         Your  manager  will  oversee  all  your  personnel
           trying  to  convince  venue  owners  that  you  can   and business affairs, execute your contracts, and
           pack  a  room  is  a  hurdle  to  overcome.  Sadly,   protect  your  interests,  besides  handling  your
           many  artists  aren't  in  a  position  financially  to   appearance schedule, payables, etc. They make
           tour,  and  the  reality  is,  without  an  investor,  it   sure  that  things  run  smoothly  and  are  your
           must be self-funded.                                  mouthpiece.
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