Page 88 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2019
P. 88
Facebook offers the ability to list FREE events for I cannot stress enough that first impressions
sharing. Additionally, Facebook has cost- count! Hire a graphic designer to compile a
effective advertising – which I suggest you avail dynamic presentation for you and have your
yourself of when marketing your appearances, written content proofed! It is also imperative that
tour stops, or milestones. You can target your you have three formats of your biography
ads to a particular region or demographic. This available – a paragraph that summarizes your
is a no-brainer. project, a short bio, and a long bio. You will
continuously be asked to furnish these for
Eventually, when your budget allows, there is the various applications. Having these ready
option to bring in a social media professional demonstrates your professionalism.
who can craft effective posts for you and oversee
your accounts. However, be sure you stay true to MERCHANDISE
your brand and that your posts are in keeping Don’t even THINK of touring without having a
with your vernacular and personality. Your fans solid stock of merchandise. Merch is your saving
want to hear from YOU…so whenever possible, grace and can be the difference between losing
do go live and engage them! Keep your money on a tour and being in the green. There
information current on your social media and are only a few viable means to make money in
contact information up to date so that industry this current climate, and for most, it won’t be
people can readily find out how to contact you music sales. Revenue will mainly be earned
and your fans can keep up with your tour through bookings and merchandise. Merch
schedule, new releases, and merch. includes your CDs, T-shirts, posters, and any
other promotional items that bear your brand.
Make sure your cover graphics and profile Other promotional support materials you should
photos on your social media are dynamic, have are Signer Cards to fulfill autograph
professional, and cohesive across all your requests via mail or at shows and can be
various platforms. This is additionally important included in a “Fan Package” as a bonus. Hire a
to your branding. professional to design these and seek out a
EPK/PHYSICAL PRESS KIT/ONE SHEET/BIOS reputable print company to produce them. And
Every single artist should have an EPK (which is ALWAYS have a Sharpie readily available at
not, by the way, a pregnancy test) and a Physical shows for autographs! You should be ready to
Press Kit. They have different applications. An comply with fan requests and expect to be asked
EPK is a MUST and will be the most utilized for your autograph! People want a “take-away”
method of summarizing your project. It is easily and Signer Cards are a key part of a “Meet and
shared online and via email. It can be a free- Greet.”
standing site or an option on your website.
However, an EPK is geared toward the industry MEDIA COVERAGE
and media and not for public viewing. A Physical You need it. Get some. Either earn it DIY by
Press Kit is a mailable presentation packet and writing to every newspaper, magazine, radio
is expensive to create, but many decisionmakers station, and music blog to vie for these limited
(festivals, corporate events, casinos) require opportunities or your publicist will handle this
them. You can find examples of both an EPK and task. It’s important that you have everything
a Physical Press Kit online. ready to provide to the media -- bios, high-res
photography, EPK, one sheet, etc. Be prepared
Your one sheet is your “project in a glance” and to sign release forms as these are a standard
the name describes it perfectly as it is presented practice in the industry.
in one sheet (usually 8.5 x 11” for easy print- All artists need media coverage to get the word
outs). Most times, you will be emailing this. Your out on your music and generate new fans and
one sheet needs to be continuously updated inspire them to attend your shows and
with your current, most notable key points and ultimately, buying your merch and music. As a
milestones, in addition to your up-to-date music media professional, my best advice is to
contact information and various sites. comply with the media outlet’s procedures and
respond in a timely manner.