Page 234 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 234

Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

          Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

          60  Share-based payments (contd.)
          1.3  Movements in share options during the year
          The following reconciles the share options outstanding at the beginning and end of the year:
                                                                                                     ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                March 31, 2020             March 31, 2019
                                                            Number of    Weighted     Number of    Weighted
                                                             options      average      options      average
                                                                        exercise price            exercise price
          Balance at beginning of year                          1,40,199       83.67            -            -
          Pursuant to scheme of amalgamation (Refer Note 1.2)         -            -      1,40,199       83.67
          Granted during the year                                 5,219        83.67            -            -
          Forfeited during the year                               2,869        83.67            -            -
          Bonus options issued during the year                  2,85,098       83.67            -            -
          Exercised during the year                                   -            -            -            -
          Expired during the year                                     -            -            -            -
          Balance at end of year                                4,27,647       83.67      1,40,199       83.67
          Number of shares and exercise price are adjusted in accordance with the Share exchange ratio (0.398:1) as per the scheme of amalgamation.

          No share options were exercised during the year .
          1.4   Share options outstanding at the end of the year
          The share options outstanding at the end of the year had a weighted average exercise price adjusted for post bonus, of  H83.67 (as at March
          31, 2019: H251, after adjusting bonus H83.67), and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 3.80 years.

          61  Commitments:
                                                                                                     ( H in Lakhs )
          Particulars                                                            March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
          (a)  Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not    1,852.15    2,097.98
             provided for (Net of advances)
          (b)  Lease commitments                                                          362.08         452.83
                                                                                        2,214.23       2,550.81

          62  Contingent liabilities:
                                                                                                     ( H in Lakhs )
          Particulars                                                            March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
          Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts;
          a) Tax matters
            Service tax department raised demand of H22.50 Lakhs consisting of Service Tax of H7.50    22.50    22.50
            Lakhs and penalty of H15.00 Lakhs in connection with services rendered post demerger of the
            pharmaceutical division. Commissioner of Service Tax Mumbai and CESTAT has upheld the
            order of Joint Commissioner of Service Tax. The Company has preferred an appeal to Bombay
            High Court.
            The Deputy Commissioner of sales tax has confirmed the order of the Assistant    4.63         4.63
            Commissioner of sales tax Vapi, Gujarat for year 1992-93 and 1993-94 for demand of interest
            and penalty due to shortfall in tax payment on account of computation of purchase tax
            setoff. Company has preferred an appeal to sales tax tribunal Ahmedabad, Gujarat and
            obtained stay against the order/demand of the Assistant Commissioner pending final
          b) Other claims (legal claim not accepted by the Group)                             -          25.00
                                                                                           27.13         52.13
          Note:  Future  cash  outflows  in  respect  of  the  above  are  determinable  only  on  receipt  of  judgements/decisions  pending  with  various
          authorities/forums and/or final outcome of the matters.

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