Page 231 - FBL AR 2019-20
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                                                                                        OVERVIEW  STATEMENTS  STATEMENTS

            Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

            58  Investment properties (contd.)

            B  A reconciliation of  income tax expense to the amount computed by applying the statutory income tax
               rate to the profit before income tax is summarised below:
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
            Particulars                                                             March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Profit before tax                                                              4,342.01      12,870.61
            Enacted income tax rate in India (%) #                                        29.120%        34.944%
            Income tax expense calculated at enacted income tax rate                       1,264.39       4,497.50
            Effect of tax on:
            Brought forward tax loss of the past year for which DTA is created                  -        (1,732.05)
            Impact of change in tax rates on Deferred tax assets                             84.89             -
            MAT Credit entitlement recognised                                             (5,072.14)           -
            Utilisation of Deferred tax asset recognised on unaborbed depreciation/ carried forward losses    2,946.52    -
            pursuant to scheme of amalgamation (refer note 64)
            Expenses disallowed under Income Tax Act                                         64.85         146.62
            Carried forward tax loss / unabsorbed tax depreciation of subsidairy for the current year for which    65.18    -
            DTA is not created
            Income exempted from tax                                                      (1,198.96)     (2,628.46)
            Incremental deduction on account of research and development costs             (167.54)       (213.60)
            Reversal of income tax expense of financial year 2018-19 pursuant to scheme of amalgamation    (510.03)   -
            (Refer note 64)
            Differential tax effect due to effective tax rate difference                    853.92        1,003.66
            Others                                                                           58.91           6.68
            Total income tax expense                                                      (1,610.01)     1,080.35
            Tax expense recognised in profit or loss                                      (1,610.01)      1,080.35
            Tax expense recognised in other comprehensive income                             70.07         (35.33)
            Total tax expense                                                             (1,539.94)      1,045.02

            # The tax rate used for reconciliation above is the corporate tax rate of 29.12% (March 31, 2019: 34.944%) at which the Parent Company is liable
            to pay tax on taxable income under the Indian tax Law.
            C  The major components of deferred tax (liabilities)/assets arising on account of temporary differences
               are as follows:
                                                                                                      ( H in Lakhs )
                                                 For the year ended March 31, 2020
            Particulars                                           As at    Statement of   Other        As at
                                                              April 01, 2019  profit and loss comprehensive  March 31, 2020
            (I)  Components of deferred tax assets (Net)
               Deferred tax liabilities
               Property, Plant and Equipment, investment property and   (1,457.07)  (76.16)       -     (1,533.23)
               intangible assets: Impact of difference between written down
               value as per books of account and income tax
               Deferred tax assets
               Expenses claimed for tax purpose on payment basis    218.53       (26.47)      (70.07)     121.99
               Allowance for doubtful debts and advances            223.72       (81.55)          -       142.17
               Unabsorbed depreciation/carried forward losses      2,946.51    (2,946.51)         -           -
               MAT Credit entitlement                                   -       5,072.14          -      5,072.14
               Others                                                   -          7.44           -         7.44
               Deferred tax charge                                              1,948.89      (70.07)    5,343.74
               Net deferred tax assets                             1,931.70                              3,810.51

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