Page 227 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 227

                                                                                        OVERVIEW  STATEMENTS  STATEMENTS

            Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

            56  Financial risk management objectives and policies (contd.)
               ii)  Interest rate risk
                   Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market
                   interest rate. The Group’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates relates primarily to the Group’s long-term and short
                   term borrowings obligations with floating interest rates.

                   The Group manages it’s interest rate risk by having a balanced portfolio of fixed and variable rate long term and short term
                   Interest rate sensitivity
                   The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates on the borrowings. With all other
                   variables held constant, the Group’s profit before tax will be affected as below due to change in interest rate:

                   Year ended                      (+)Increase/(-) decrease in basis points  Effect on profit (decrease) / increase #
                   March 31, 2020                                           +0.50                        (110.09)
                                                                             -0.50                        110.09
                   March 31, 2019                                           +0.50                        (104.35)
                                                                             -0.50                        104.35
                   # Loss before tax will have an equal but opposite impact.
                   The assumed movement in basis points for the interest rate sensitivity analysis is based on the observable market environment as
                   at the respective year end.
               iii)  Commodity rate risk
                   Exposure to market risk with respect to commodity prices primarily arises from the Group’s purchases and sales of active
                   pharmaceutical ingredients, including the raw material components for such active pharmaceutical ingredients. The prices of the
                   Group’s raw materials generally are stable. Cost of raw materials forms the largest portion of the Group’s cost of revenues. A large
                   portion of the Group’s sales are subject to commodity rate risk having a volatile pricing. The group monitors overall demand supply
                   position and pricing movement to decide marketing strategies to overcome risk of changing prices of the products.
               iv)  Foreign currency risk
                   The Group’s foreign exchange risk arises from its foreign currency revenues and expenses and foreign currency borrowings. As a
                   result, if the value of the Indian rupee appreciates relative to these foreign currencies, the Groups’s revenues and expenses measured
                   in Indian rupees may decrease or increase and vice-versa. The exchange rate between the Indian rupee and these foreign currencies
                   have changed substantially in recent periods and may continue to fluctuate substantially in the future. Consequently, the Group
                   largely uses the natural hedge to mitigate the risk of changes in foreign currency exchange rates in respect of its highly probable
                   forecasted transactions and recognised assets and liabilities.

                   The Group did not enter into any derivative instruments for hedge or speculation. The year end foreign currency exposures that
                   have not been hedged (before giving effects of natural hedge) by derivative instrument or otherwise are given below:
               A)   Significant foreign currency risk exposure relating to trade receivables, other financial assets and cash and cash equivalents:
                   Particulars                          Currency      March 31, 2020          March 31, 2019
                                                                   Amount in   H in Lakhs  Amount in   H in Lakhs
                                                                 foreign currency        foreign currency
                                                                   ( in Lakhs )            ( in Lakhs )
                   Financial assets
                   Cash and cash equivalents (including EEFC)  EURO        5.60   465.11          0.30     23.66
                                                          USD              1.31    98.13          0.72     49.99
                                                          SGD              0.02     0.87             -        -
                   Trade receivables and other financial assets  USD      46.68  3,506.00         46.38  3,215.33
                                                         EURO             32.66  2,786.40         35.45  2,756.26

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