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Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

             “RESOLVED THAT  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section   of the Company, the Nomination and Remuneration Policy
             196, 197 and 203 read with Schedule V and other applicable   of the Company, and based on the recommendation of the
             provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules   Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of
             made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s)   Directors respectively, the consent of the Company be and is
             or re-enactment thereof from time to time), and applicable   hereby accorded to the appointment of Mr. Satish Varma (DIN:
             provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing   00003255) as an Executive Director of the Company (‘Executive
             Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,   Director’) for a period of 3 (three)  years  commencing from
             in accordance to the provisions of the Articles of Association   September 27, 2019 to September 26, 2022 as per the salary,
             of the Company, the Nomination and Remuneration Policy   perquisites, terms and conditions as set out in the agreement
             of the Company, and based on the recommendation of the   dated September 27, 2019 entered into between the Company
             Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of   and the Executive Director (‘Agreement’), which inter alia, are
             Directors respectively, the consent of the Company be and is   set out in the Explanatory statement;
             hereby accorded to the appointment of Ms. Anupama Datla      RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the total remuneration including
             Desai (DIN: 00217027) as an Executive Director of the Company   perquisites payable to the Executive Director as per the
             (‘Executive Director’) for a period of 3 (three) years commencing   Agreement shall be subject to the overall ceilings laid down in
             from September 27, 2019 to September 26, 2022 as per the   Section 197 read with Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013;
             salary, perquisites, terms and conditions as set out in the
             agreement dated September 27, 2019 entered into between      RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT notwithstanding anything
             the Company and the Executive Director (‘Agreement’), which   contained hereinabove, where in any financial year during the
             inter alia, are set out in the Explanatory statement;  tenure of the Executive Director, the Company has no profits
                                                                or its profits are inadequate, the remuneration of the Executive
             RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the total remuneration including   Director shall be decided as per the provisions of Schedule V to
             perquisites payable to the Executive Director as per the   the Act including any amendment thereof .
             Agreement shall be subject to the overall ceilings laid down in
             Section 197 read with Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013;     RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby
                                                                authorised to alter or vary terms of remuneration of the
             RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT notwithstanding anything    Executive Director as it may deem fit from time to time within
             contained hereinabove, where in any financial year during the   the remuneration limits stated in the Explanatory Statement
             tenure of the Executive Director, the Company has no profits   and the Agreement;
             or its profits are inadequate, the remuneration of the Executive
             Director shall be decided as per the provisions of Schedule V to      RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby
             the Act including any amendment thereof .          authorised to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may
                                                                be deemed necessary to give effect to this resolution.”
             RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby
             authorised to alter or vary terms of remuneration of the   8.   To consider, and if thought fit, pass with or without modification,
             Executive Director as it may deem fit from time to time within   the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
             the remuneration limits stated in the Explanatory Statement      Remuneration of Cost Auditor of the Company
             and the Agreement;
                                                                “RESOLVED  THAT pursuant to provisions of Section 148
             RESOLVED FURTHER  THAT the Board be and is hereby   and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies
             authorised to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may   Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Audit and Auditors)
             be deemed necessary to give effect to this resolution.”
                                                                Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-
          7.   To consider, and if thought fit, pass with or without   enactment thereof for time being in force), the members of
             modification(s), the following resolution as a Special Resolution:  the Company hereby ratify the payment of remuneration of
                                                                Rs. 2,75,000 (Rupees Two lakhs Seventy Five Thousand only)
             Appointment of Mr. Satish Varma, as an Executive Director   plus taxes as applicable and reimbursement of out of pocket
             of the Company for a period of three years effective from   expenses, if any, to M/s D. C. Dave & Co., Cost Accountants (Firm
             September 27, 2019
                                                                Registration Number – 000611) [‘Cost Auditor’] to conduct the
             “RESOLVED THAT  pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section   cost audit in respect of applicable product(s) manufactured by
             196, 197 and 203 read with Schedule V and other applicable   the Company for the financial year ending on March 31, 2021”.
             provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules   9.   To Consider, and if thought fit, to pass with or without
             made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s)   modification, the following as a Special Resolution:
             or re-enactment thereof from time to time), and applicable
             provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing      Commission to Non-Executive Directors
             Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,      “RESOLVED THAT subject to the provisions of Section 197, 198
             in accordance to the provisions of the Articles of Association
                                                                including  rules  made  thereunder  and  any  other  applicable

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