Page 243 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 243
2. Facility for joining the AGM through VC/OAVM shall open Note:
30 minutes before the time scheduled for the AGM and a) Members are encouraged to join the Meeting through
will be available to the members on first-come-first-served Tablets/ Laptops connected through broadband for better
experience. Members are required to use internet with a good
3. Participation to the members through VC/OAVM shall speed (preferably 2 MBPS download stream) to avoid any
be made available to members on first-come-first- disturbance during the meeting.
served basis in accordance with MCA Circulars, and b) Please note that members connecting from Mobile Devices
it will be closed on expiry of 30 (Thirty) minutes from or Tablets or through Laptops connecting via Mobile Hotspot
the scheduled time of the AGM. Members with >2% may experience Audio/Visual loss due to fluctuation in their
shareholding, Promoters, Institutional Investors, Directors, network. It is therefore recommended to use stable Wi-FI or
KMPs, Chairpersons of Audit Committee, Nomination and LAN connection to mitigate any kind of aforesaid glitches.
Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship
Committee and Auditors etc. may be allowed to the AGM c) Guidelines for the registered speakers for speaking at the
without restrictions of first-come-first-served basis. AGM through Link Intime India Private Limited’s InstaMeeT
4. Members will be provided with InstaMeet facility wherein
members shall register their details and attend the AGM as i. For a smooth experience of viewing the AGM proceedings
under: through Link Intime India Private Limited’s InstaMEET,
shareholders/ members who are registered as speakers
a. Open the internet browser and launch the URL for (as per steps in note 17 below) for the event are requested
InstaMeet <<>>
to download and install the Webex Meetings application
b. Select the “Company” and ‘Event Date’ and register in advance. Please download and install the Webex
with your following details: Meetings application by clicking on the link https://
i. Demat Account No. or Folio No: Enter your 16
digit Demat Account No. or Folio No - OR
• Shareholders/ members holding shares in ii. If you do not want to download and install the Webex
CDSL demat account shall provide 16 Digit application, you may join the meeting through
Beneficiary ID InstaMEET and follow the process mentioned as under:
• Shareholders/ members holding shares Step 1 Enter your First Name, Last Name and Email
in NSDL demat account shall provide 8 ID and click on Join Now
Character DP ID followed by 8 Digit Client ID 1(A) If you have already installed the Webex
Meetings application on your device, join
• Shareholders/ members holding shares in the meeting by clicking on Join Now
physical form shall provide Folio Number 1(B) If Webex Meetings application is not
registered with the Company
installed, a new page will appear giving you
ii. PAN: Enter your 10-digit Permanent Account an option to either Add Webex to chrome or
Number (PAN) (Members who have not updated Run a temporary application.
their PAN with the Depository Participant (DP) Click on Run a temporary application, an
/ Company shall use the sequence number exe file will be downloaded. Click on this
provided to you, if applicable. Sequence number exe file to run the application and join the
shall be sent by email to those members who meeting by clicking on Join Now by filling
have registered their email ids with LIIPL. your first name, last name and email
However, any member may obtain sequence address.
number by sending an email to LIIPL at rnt. or requesting to the In case members have any queries regarding login/
Company at, by remote e-voting/e-voting, they may send an email to
mentioning his Folio No./DP ID and Client ID.) or contact on: - Tel: 022-
iii. Mobile No.: Enter your mobile number. 49186175 InstaMeet Support Desk, Link Intime India
Private Limited.
iv. Email ID: Enter your email id, as recorded with
your DP/Company. 17. Instructions for members to register themselves to speak
during the Annual General Meeting through InstaMeet:
c. Click “Go To Meeting”
1. Members who would like to express their views / ask