Page 10 - phytochemistry general program
P. 10

and Insoluble in organic solvents Quaternary alk .1

           Alk. N-oxides  because they are ionic comp. .2

                           b) Alk. bases very sparingly soluble in org. solvent
e.g. Morphine insoluble in CHCL3 & Ether moderately Soluble in alc. (1:300)

                                        C) Alkaloidal salts sol in organic solvents
                                                       Soluble in CHCl3 Lobeline HCl

                                                d) Alk. salts sparingly soluble in H2O
                                                                    Quinine sulphate (1:810)

                                       II- Chemical Properties

one nitrogen atom (in addition to All alkaloids should contain at least                          .3
                                                                                      C,H & O).

           But some alkaloids are free from Oxygen atom. e.g.

nicotine.                 and coniine

           The state or the type of nitrogen atoms as amines. .4

                                                   Primary amine (R-NH2)                         .1
                                            Secondary amine (R2-NH)                              .2
                                        Tertiary amine (majority) (R3-N)                         .3
           Quaternary ammonium (R4-N+ ) e.g. d-Tubocurarine.                                     .4
                               Another form of nitrogen is N-oxide alk.                          .1

                                       Basicity of alkaloids .2

   Generally, alkaloids are basic compounds due to the presence of N atoms, the
lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of alkaloids is normally responsible for

                                                                                             its basicity.

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