Page 65 - Pharmaceutics-II (02-06-01 203)
P. 65

Mechanism of sumatriptan iontophoretic transdermal system delivery. Transdermal sumatriptan is
delivered through a single-use patch using iontophoretic technology, which uses low-level electrical
energy to facilitate transdermal drug transport. Upon activation of the patch and application of an
electrical current, the positively charged drug moves away from the anode, through the patient's skin,
and into systemic circulation.

    ▪ Apply ZECUITY™ to your upper arm or thigh and activate it by pressing the button to turn it
         on. The button will blink and then turn solid red as it releases the medicine.

    ▪ Wear the TDS for 4 hours or until the red light goes off.
    8. Vaxxas®
    ▪ It is a high-density microarray patch (HD-MAP) to deliver vaccine by

         applying the patch to the skin for few seconds.
    ▪ Currently the system in clinical trials for influenza vaccine.

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