Page 66 - Pharmaceutics-II (02-06-01 203)
P. 66

Evaluation of Transdermal patches

1. Thickness of the Patch
    ▪ As the uniform thickness of the patch is desired, its thickness is
         measured by digital micrometer at various points (three different
         places), and the average thickness is calculated to verify whether
         the thickness of the fabricated patch is within the intended limit.
    ▪ The thickness is a rough estimate of drug content uniformity all
         over the patch surface and matrix.

2. Weight uniformity
    ▪ Weight uniformity should be verified among the patches of same batch and from batch to
         batch. Before weighing, the patches were dried to a constant weight at 60°C for a fixed
    ▪ 10 patches are selected randomly and weighed accurately. The average weight was
         calculated. The individual weight should not deviate significantly from the average weight

3. Folding Endurance
    ▪ This test was carried out to check the efficiency of the plasticizer and the strength of the
         patch prepared using different polymers.
    ▪ The folding endurance is the measure of flexibility of the dried films
    ▪ It is determined as the number of times that the patch of the specified area can be folded at
         the same location without breaking

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