Page 14 - Instrumental Analysis - Pharm D Clinical- 07-PA403
P. 14

UV-visible Spectrophotometry

                    Lambert’s Law

Plotting the transmittance (T) or absorbance (A) of the solution
against layer thickness (pathlength), we get the following curves.

Exponential                                     Linear
relationship                                 relationship

                   Pathlength (cm)                Pathlength (cm)

      Relationship between             Relationship between
% transmittance and pathlength      absorbance and pathlength


                    Lambert’s Law            Pathlength (cm)

• Mathematically, Lambert’s law can be
    represented by the equation:

• Absorbance of a solution is directly
    proportional to pathlength (b) provided
    that the concentration is constant.

• Thus, if we plot absorbance (A) against
    pathlength (b), a straight line is
    obtained passing through the origin
    and possessing a slope equal to k. The
    latter is a constant for the absorbing
    substance at a certain wavelength.


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