Page 15 - Instrumental Analysis - Pharm D Clinical- 07-PA403
P. 15

UV-visible Spectrophotometry

              Fundamental Laws

                           Beer’s Law

• Beer’s law is defined as follows: when a monochromatic light passes through
    an analyte solution, absorbance of light by this solution is directly proportional
    to concentration of the analyte.

• Plotting the transmittance (T) or absorbance (A) of the solution against
    concentration, we get the following curves.

Exponential                                           Linear
relationship                                       relationship

              Concentration                               Concentration

        Relationship between                        Relationship between
% transmittance and concentration              absorbance and concentration


                              Beer’s Law

• Mathematically, Beer’s law can be                       Concentration
    represented by the equation:
                       A = k’ c                This relationship is called:
                                               Calibration curve
• Absorbance of a solution is directly         or Standard curve
    proportional to concentration provided     or Beer’s plot
    that the pathlength is constant.

• At certain λ, if we plot absorbance (A)
    against concentration, a straight line is
    obtained passing through the origin
    and possessing a slope equal to k’. The
    latter is a constant for the absorbing
    substance at a certain wavelength.


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