Page 16 - Instrumental Analysis - Pharm D Clinical- 07-PA403
P. 16
UV-visible Spectrophotometry
The Beer-Lambert Law
A=kb A = k’ c
• By combining the 2 laws together, we get the Beer-Lambert
law: A = a b c
• “a" is a constant known as absorptivity which is the
absorbance at specific λ when pathlength is unity (i.e. 1 cm)
and concentration is unity.
• If concentration is measured in molarity (M), “a” will be known
as molar absorptivity or epsilon (ε).
• ε is defined as the absorbance of 1 M solution and the
pathlength is 1 cm. Unit of ε is L mol–1 cm–1.
• If concentration is measured in g% or g/100 mL, “a” will be known
as specific absorbance or A(1%, 1 cm).
• A(1%, 1 cm) is defined as the absorbance of 1% solution and the
pathlength is 1 cm.
A=εbc A = A(1%, 1 cm) b c
• Both ε and A(1%, 1 cm) are characteristic values for each
absorbing substance. These constants are affected by λ of the
monochromatic radiation and the solvent used for preparation of
sample solution.
• What is the unit of A(1%, 1 cm)?