Page 18 - PSLBook7A2021EdLesson11-15
P. 18

Grammar Point 2: Suffixes: Suffixes are parts of words we add at the end of a root word.

           We can create new words by adding suffixes. For example, kwr, is a suffix that will change
           a thing or concept to a person. ivAwiKAw means explanation ivAwiKAwkwr  means a person

           who describes or explains. Here are more words with the suffix kwr. What do these words
           mean? Learn them.

             Root word                Meaning              Word with Suffix                 Meaning
           1. ivAwiKAw  explanation/ description           ivAwiKAwkwr         a person who explains or describes
           2. klw          art                             klwkwr              a person who does art, an artist
           3. slwh         advice                          slwhkwr             one who advises/an advisor
           4. kQw          katha/a lecture in a Gurdwara  kQwkwr               one who lectures in the Gurdwara

                           on a Sikhi concept

           somvwr Gr dw kMm: iehnW pRSnW dy TIk au~qr cuxo[

            1. BweI gurdws jI dw gurU Amrdws jI nwl kI irSqw sI?
                  a. BweI gurdws jI gurU Amrdws jI dy cwcw jI sn[
                  A. gurU Amrdws jI BweI gurdws jI dy cwcw jI sn[
                  e. gurU Amrdws jI BweI gurdws jI dy BxyvyN sn[

            2. BweI gurdws jI ny ikMny swl gurU swihbwn dI syvw kIqI?
                  a. BweI gurdws jI ny ATvMjw swl gurU swihbwn dI syvw kIqI[
                  A. BweI gurdws jI ny AT gurU swihbwn dI syvw kIqI[

                  e. BweI gurdws jI ny cwr gurU swihbwn dI syvw kIqI[

           iehnW pRSnW dy TIk au~qr ilKo[
            3. BweI gurdws jI ny gurU Arjn dyv jI dw mn ikvyN ij~iqAw?


            4. CotI aumr ivc hI BweI gurdws jI ny is~iKAw?

            5. gurU Arjn dyv jI ny iks nUM gurbwxI dI kuMjI ikhw?

            6. BweI gurdws ny gurU qyg bhwdr jI nUM kI is~iKAw id~qI?


            7. bIbI BwnI kOx sn qy BweI gurdws jI dw bIbI BwnI nwl kI irSqw sI?


           Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader 7A                                        2021 Edition                                                         Page 44
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