Page 23 - Gurmat Book 7
P. 23

Gian Khand: Gian means knowledge. In Dharam Khand, as we reflect deeply on the

             Waheguru and his creation, our knowledge, both physical and spiritual increases.
             As we understand Gurbani, the Guru’s instruction; we begin to see God’s vastness
             and infinite nature. We develop the intellect to see the difference between good
             and bad. We see Waheguru’s hand behind day and night and different seasons on
             this planet and realize the duties of this gift of human life. In Gian Khand we feel

             happy, we feel satisfied and in bliss (Anand).

             Saram  Khand:  Imagine,  after  you  graduate  school,  you  will  work  as  a

             professional. But some of you might want to create something new to make life
             even  better.  May  be  a  teacher  can  now  write  new  books  that  are  easier  to
             understand and more fun. An engineer invents new kinds of cars or phones. That
             will be the next stage of your professional life. They become the creators. Not

             all people will get there, but some will.

             Similarly,  on  our  spiritual  journey,  Saram  Khand  is  the  third  stage.  This  is
             addressed  in  36   Paudi.  This  is  the  realm  of  spiritual  effort.   Those  in  Saram
             Khand  may  start  new  projects  to  help  the  humanity,  to  enable  more  people  to
             learn  about  Waheguru,  to  help  the  needy  and  so  on.  Through  this  effort  we
             develop a higher intellect. Wisdom develops and we bring into existence beautiful
             new creations. Here the virtues of Karta-Purakh: the creator and Saibhang: the

             self-inspired  blossom.  Our  mind,  our  thinking,  our  wisdom  is  in  tune  with
             Waheguru.  With  deeper  understanding,  we  become  radiant  inside  and  outside

             with love and confidence.

             Karam  Khand:  So  in  Saram  Khand,  you  are  creative  in  your  profession.  You
             created something new. That is great. But the new knowledge created by someone
             or new  books written by a teacher  are of no use if no one uses them. For  our

             creation to be useful, we need the blessing of Waheguru so that our work may be
             recognized, be useful and is successful.

             On  our  spiritual  journey,  Karam  Khand  means  realm  of  Grace  of  Waheguru:,

             Gurprasad. This is addressed in Paudi # 37. A truly spiritual Sikh always thanks
             Waheguru  for  giving  him/her  the  capability  or  opportunity  to  be  creative  and
             prays for its success. If with Waheguru’s Grace, our creations become successful
             people will remember us for a long time (tending towards Akal Murat). It is the

             fourth  spiritual  stage  on  the  journey  towards  Waheguru.  Persons  living  in  this
             stage have Waheguru in their hearts, they radiate love and devotion. They are
             spiritually very strong. It is a huge step towards oneness with Waheguru. Karam

             Stepping Stones PSL Gurmat Sikhia Book 7G                          2023 Edition                                                                           Page  21
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