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Undoubtedly the leaders in this Despite carrying a hefty price
specific high technology coffee tag, calculating whole life cost
machine sector are Eversys, the and the inevitable labour
Swiss machine coffee reductions that these ‘super’
manufacturing company. Their automatics bring, key
founding vision from original successful chains embrace
designer, the late Jean Paul (who their technology and often go
passed just last year) was to on to replace traditional
always focus on incredible equipment in the process.
drinks quality in the cup.
Around this vision they Examples include Black Sheep
constructed machines to a very Coffee, Soho Coffee and Blank
high standard to meet the Street. Productivity is
specific needs of serviceability, massively increased where
bean to cup
longevity of service, total life they deploy their solutions,
cycle of components and high this has resulted in some cases
output capacity. They broke the a 30% increase in revenue at
mould because they produce peak service times simply by
equipment that more resembles busting queues. At the same
a Tesla motor car or equipment time, servers have more
designed by Nasa for its available time to engage with
premium look and feel- a result customers, creating
of cutting-edge manufacturing memorable moments and
technologies. memories.
The Enigma bean to cup MARCH/APRIL. 2024 | ISSUE 35
from Eversys